What Is Holding You Back From Your Machine Learning Goals?

Last Updated on December 24, 2016
Identify and Tackle Your Self-Limiting Beliefs and
Finally Make Progress
I get a lot of email from developers and students looking to get started in machine learning.
The first question I ask them is what is stopping them from getting started?
I try to get to the heart of what they are struggling with, and almost always it is a self-limiting belief that has halted their progress.
In this post, I want to touch on some self-limiting beliefs I see crop up in my email exchanges and discussions with coaching students.
Maybe you will see yourself in one or more of these beliefs. If so, I urge you to challenge your assumptions.

Don’t Give Up
Photo by brendan-c, some rights reserved
Self-Limiting Belief
A self-limiting belief is something that you assume to be true that is limiting your progress. You presuppose something about yourself or about the thing you want to achieve. The problem is you hold that belief to be true and you don’t question it.
Steve Pavlina
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