What if I’m Not a Good Programmer

Last Updated on November 8, 2018

Programming is a part of machine learning, but machine learning is much larger than just programming. 

In this post you will learn that you do not have to be a programmer to get started in machine learning or find solutions to complex problems.

Programming Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms are implemented in code. Programmers like implementing algorithms themselves to really understand how an algorithm works. This can also be required to get the most from an algorithm as is tailored for a given problem.

What if I'm Not a Good Programmer

What if I’m Not a Good Programmer
Photo by mutednarayan, some rights reserved

Solving problem is more than an algorithm. For example, there is more work in defining the problem clearly, preparing the data and presenting the results. Even the algorithms can be taken off-the-shelf and applied and tuned for a problem.

Graphical Machine Learning Environments

You can get a long way without touching a line of code. This is due to the great software that is available.

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