Visual, reactive testing library for Julia
PlutoTest.jl (alpha release)
A macro @test
that you can use to verify your code’s correctness. But instead of just saying “Pass” or “Fail”, let’s try to show you why a test failed.
- ✨ time travel ✨ to replay the execution step-by-step
- ⭐️ multimedia display ⭐️ to make results easy to read
First, update Pluto to at least 0.14.5
! Next, add this package like so:
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(url=""))
julia> using PlutoTest
julia> @test 1 + 1 == 2
This package is still an alpha release, don’t use it to @test is_safe(crazy_new_bike_design)
This testing library is designed to be used inside Pluto.jl, a reactive notebook. If you write your tests in the same notebook as