Unofficial Python API Wrapper of 1337x


This is the unofficial API of 1337x. It supports all proxies of 1337x and almost all functions of 1337x. You can search, get trending, top and popular torrents. Furthermore, you can browse torrents of a certain category. It also supports filtering on result by category, supports sorting and caching.


Start guide

Quick Examples

1. Searching torrents

>>> from py1337x import py1337x

# Using and saving the cache in Desktop which expires after 500 seconds
>>> torrents = py1337x(proxy='', cache='/home/user/Desktop/cache', cacheTime=500)

>>>'harry potter')
{'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 20, 'pageCount': 50}

# Searching harry potter in category movies and sort by seeders in descending order
>>>'harry potter', category='movies', sortBy='seeders', order='desc')
{'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 40, 'pageCount': 50}

# Viewing




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