Transfer-Controlled Algorand Standard Asset

Reference implementation for a Transfer-controlled Algorand Standard Asset
(TC-ASA), which extends an ASA to provide custom or more granular control around
transfer, mint and burn operations.

It implements the following:

  • Setting a “global freeze” flag, that prevents all token transfers.
  • Individually whitelisting/locking users.

Can be extended to implement any form of control over the transfer of the token,

  • Requiring the payment of royalties when transferring the token.
  • Restricting the minimum or maximum balance per user, the overall number of
    token holders, etc.
  • Implementing vesting or minimum lock periods.


The TC-ASA ties together:

  • An Algorand Standard Asset (ASA), created with the defaultFrozen flag set to
    prevents all xfer operations.
  • An Algorand Smart Contract (ASC), which holds the clawback, freeze,
    manager and reserve roles over the ASA.

All operations on the ASA require an application




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