Top 5 Data Science GitHub Repositories and Reddit Discussions (January 2019)


There’s nothing quite like GitHub and Reddit for data science. Both platforms have been of immense help to me in my data science journey.

GitHub is the ultimate one-stop platform for hosting your code. It excels at easing the collaboration process between team members. Most leading data scientists and organizations use GitHub to open-source their libraries and frameworks. So not only do we stay up-to-date with the latest developments in our field, we get to replicate their models on our own machines!

Reddit discussions are on the same end of that spectrum. Leading researchers and brilliant minds come together to discuss and extrapolate the latest topics and breakthroughs in machine learning and data science. There is A LOT to learn from these two platforms.

I have made it a habit to check both these platforms at least twice a week. It’s changed the way I learn data science. I encourage everyone reading this to do




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