The Singleton Design Pattern in Python

In this article, we’ll be diving into the Singleton Design Pattern, implemented in Python.
As time progresses, software gets more tailored to solving specific problems in different domains. While there are many difference in the application-level of our software, some aspects of software design remain largely the same. These aspects might not remain the same for all software out there but will hold true for a lot of scenarios. Therefore, learning and understanding them will be highly beneficial in helping us build resilient programs.
This is the first in a series about Design Patterns in Python and the different patterns that we can utilize to build software.
What is a Design Pattern?
A design pattern is a particular approach to solving a recurring problem in software development and is also used to represent good practices. It is not actual code, but it represents a particular way of organizing code to produce the desired solution in a recommended way. This means that we do not have to strictly follow set design patterns for all of our code, but analyze our needs and apply the best-suited design pattern for our needs.
Design patterns arise from a wealth of