The pos module and added QR code to pos receipt

In this repo i inherit the pos module and added QR code to pos receipt
$ python odoo-bin scaffold
1 – Create new js class and put this code that defin a function referenced to
odoo.define('point_of_sale.OrderReceipt', function (require) {
'use strict';
const PosComponent = require('point_of_sale.PosComponent');
const Registries = require('point_of_sale.Registries');
function myFunction(text) {
return text
class OrderReceipt extends PosComponent {
constructor() {
console.log("eslam faisal constructor")
this._receiptEnv = this.props.order.getOrderReceiptEnv();
willUpdateProps(nextProps) {
this._receiptEnv = nextProps.order.getOrderReceiptEnv();
get receipt() {
return this.receiptEnv.receipt;
clientName(receipt) {
get orderlines() {
return this.receiptEnv.orderlines;
get paymentlines() {
return this.receiptEnv.paymentlines;
get isTaxIncluded() {
return Math.abs(this.receipt.subtotal - this.receipt.total_with_tax) <= 0.000001;
get receiptEnv() {
return this._receiptEnv;
isSimple(line) {
return ( === 0 &&