Template repo to quickly make a tested and documented GitHub action in Python with Poetry

Getting started from the template

  1. Rename the src/action_python_poetry package.
  2. Globally replace instances of action-python-poetry and action_python_poetry with your project and package name.
  3. If your repo is private, set it up on CodeCov and add a codecov token to your repo under the CODECOV_TOKEN secret.
  4. Create and test your action. __main__.py in your package will be executed when the action is run. The environment variables your tests use can be set in pyproject.toml and/or managed in test fixtures.
  5. Update action.yml, README.md, and .github/workflows/test-action.yml to reflect your action’s specification.
  6. Update LICENSE.md as appropriate, making sure to retain the original copyright and permissions notices in your distribution according to the MIT license that this template is distributed under.
  7. Remove this section from README.md.
  8. Happy hacking!



    To finish reading, please visit source site