Telegram Mirror and Leech Bot

This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram.
Fork of Anasty’s Repo
- Leech Log
- Mirror logs
- Source link logs
- Alt Leech log – You can forward leeched files and alternative channels/groups
- Special permissions to group moderators
- Database Support for leech logs and alt leech logs
- Sending Leeched files and Mirror links in user’s PM
- Force Subscriber Module
- Auto Delete all bot related message to prevent copyright issue
- Appdrive Support
- Megasdkrest Client implimentation
- Special permissions for MOD_USERS – Moderator for groups
- Change commands directly from config.env
- And many more little changes can’t remember
- Turn on/off Leech Features from config.env
- Check Deploy branch for deploy on heroku