Topic modeling With Naive Bayes Classifier

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Naive Bayes is a powerful tool that leverages Bayes’ Theorem to understand and mimic complex data structures. In recent years, it has commonly been used for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, such as text categorization. Today, we will be constructing a Naive Bayes text classifier for topic categorization. Before we move forward with the explanation, I want to emphasize that Naive Bayes is not the traditional method of […]

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Topic Modelling With LDA -A Hands-on Introduction

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Imagine walking into a bookstore to buy a book on world economics and not being able to figure out the section of the store that has this book, assuming the bookstore has simply stacked all types of books together. You then realize how important it is to divide the bookstore into different sections based on the type of book. Topic Modelling is similar to dividing a bookstore based […]

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Topic Modeling and Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) using Gensim and Sklearn : Part 1

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Let’s say you have a client who has a publishing house. Your client comes to you with two tasks: one he wants to categorize all the books or the research papers he receives weekly on a common theme or a topic and the other task is to encapsulate large documents into smaller bite-sized texts. Is there any technique and tool available that can do both of these two […]

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Beginners Guide to Topic Modeling in Python

Introduction Analytics Industry is all about obtaining the “Information” from the data. With the growing amount of data in recent years, that too mostly unstructured, it’s difficult to obtain the relevant and desired information. But, technology has developed some powerful methods which can be used to mine through the data and fetch the information that we are looking for. One such technique in the field of text mining is Topic Modelling. As the name suggests, it is a process to […]

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An NLP Approach to Mining Online Reviews using Topic Modeling (with Python codes)

Introduction E-commerce has revolutionized the way we shop. That phone you’ve been saving up to buy for months? It’s just a search and a few clicks away. Items are delivered within a matter of days (sometimes even the next day!). For online retailers, there are no constraints related to inventory management or space management They can sell as many different products as they want. Brick and mortar stores can keep only a limited number of products due to the finite space […]

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Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts on Chennai Floods using Python

Introduction The best way to learn data science is to do data science. No second thought about it! One of the ways, I do this is continuously look for interesting work done by other community members. Once I understand the project, I do / improve the project on my own. Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to learn data science. As part of my search, I came across a study on sentiment analysis of Chennai Floods on Analytics Vidhya. […]

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