5 Free Machine Learning Courses from Top Universities

Image generated by DALLE-3 If you’re reading this article, I assume you already know what machine learning is. But just for a quick refresher, it’s simply making computers smart enough to do jobs that humans used to do, for example, taking attendance using facial recognition. Anyway, moving on to our main discussion, I know there are a lot of resources available regarding ML, but the problem is finding the right and high-quality resources. I think we can all agree that […]

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Tips for Deploying Machine Learning Models Efficiently

Image created by Author using Midjourney Introduction The process of deploying machine learning models is an important part of deploying AI technologies and systems to the real world. Unfortunately, the road to model deployment can be a tough one. The process of deployment is often characterized by challenges associated with taking a trained model — the culmination of a lengthy data-preparation and model-training process — to the world at-large, where it must continue to perform well. These challenges arise as […]

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Tips for Handling Imbalanced Data in Machine Learning

Image created by Author using Midjourney Introduction Imperfect data is the norm rather than the exception in machine learning. Comparably common is the binary class imbalance when the classes in a trained data remains majority/minority class, or is moderately skewed. Imbalanced data can undermine a machine learning model by producing model selection biases. Therefore in the interest of model performance and equitable representation, solving the problem of imbalanced data during training and evaluation is paramount. This article will define imbalanced […]

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5 Essential Free Tools for Getting Started with LLMs

Image created by Author using Midjourney Introduction Large language models (LLMs) have become extremely prominent and useful for all sorts of tasks, but new users may find the large number of LLM tools and utilities intimidating. This article focuses on 5 of the available and widely-useful such tools, all of which are no-cost and created to help maturing minds take advantage of the wide variety of available language models: Transformers, LlamaIndex, Langchain, Ollama, and Llamafile. 1. Transformers One of the […]

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5 Essential Classification Algorithms Explained for Beginners

Image created by Author using Midjourney Introduction Classification algorithms are at the heart of data science, helping us categorize and organize data into pre-defined classes. These algorithms are used in a wide array of applications, from spam detection and medical diagnosis to image recognition and customer profiling. It is for this reason that those new to data science must know about and understand these algorithms: they lay foundations for more advanced techniques and provide insight into how those data-driven decisions […]

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