5 Common Mistakes in Machine Learning and How to Avoid Them

Image by Author Using machine learning to solve real-world problems is exciting. But most eager beginners jump straight to model building—overlooking the fundamentals—resulting in models that aren’t very helpful. From understanding the data to choosing the best machine learning model for the problem, there are some common mistakes that beginners often tend to make. But before we go over them, you should understand the problem—it is step 0 if you will—you are trying to solve. Ask yourself enough questions to […]

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Tips for Choosing the Right Machine Learning Model for Your Data

Image by Author | Midjourney & Canva Introduction Choosing the right machine learning model for your data is of major importance in any data science project. The model you select will have a significant impact on the insights you derive from your data, and ultimately determine the usefulness of a project. In this article, we aim to provide practical tips to help new practitioners make informed decisions when choosing machine learning models. 1. Understand Your Data Understanding the type and […]

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5 Effective Ways to Handle Imbalanced Data in Machine Learning

Image by Author Introduction Here’s a something that new machine learning practitioners figure out almost immediately: not all datasets are created equal. It may now seem obvious to you, but had you considered this before undertaking machine learning projects on a real world dataset? As an example of a single class vastly outnumbering the rest, take for instance some rare disease, which only 1% of the population has. Would a predictive model that only ever predicts “no disease” still be […]

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5 Free YouTube Channels Dedicated to Machine Learning Education

Image by Author As a data professional, you should also know how to build predictive models with machine learning to solve business problems. And if you’re interested in machine learning, you’re probably also looking for the best resources to get going. Well, you can always choose a self-paced online course that best aligns with your learning preferences. But if you prefer learning from some of the best educators and experienced professionals—all for free—then YouTube is a great learning resource. This […]

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5 Free Books on Machine Learning Algorithms You Must Read

Image by Author If you are a machine learning student, researcher, or practitioner, it is crucial for your career growth to have a deep understanding of how each algorithm works and the various techniques to enhance model performance. Nowadays, many individuals tend to focus solely on the code, data, and pre-trained models, often without fully comprehending the machine learning model’s algorithm or architecture. They simply fine-tune the model on a new dataset and adjust hyperparameters to improve performance. However, to […]

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5 Free Courses on Reinforcement Learning

Image by Author Reinforcement learning (RL) is a subfield of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with its environment rather than relying solely on pre-existing data. It is an area that blends trial-and-error learning with feedback from actions to improve future performance. In this blog, we will explore 5 free courses that I believe are the best for beginners and professionals interested in entering the exciting field of self-learning robots. 1. Deep RL Course – […]

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Tips for Choosing the Right Machine Learning Course

Image by Author If you’re looking to make a career in data science, you probably know that machine learning is one of the most in-demand skills. Whether you are a beginner looking to break into the field or an experienced professional aiming to level up your expertise, selecting the right machine learning course is super important. So how do you go about choosing the right course that’s a good fit for you? You can consider one of the many in-person […]

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5 Free Resources for Understanding Neural Networks

Image by Author Deep learning models achieve state-of-the-art performance in several computer vision and natural language processing tasks. If you want to become proficient in deep learning, you should first understand how neural networks work and then proceed to explore the different types and neural network architectures for specific tasks. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of free resources—a mix of books, interactive tutorials, and video lectures—that’ll help you learn all about neural networks. The resources are […]

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5 Free Platforms to Collaborate on Machine Learning Projects

Image by Author Collaborating on a machine learning project is a bit different from collaborating on a traditional software project. In a machine learning project, engineers are working with data, models, and source code. Additionally, they are also sharing features, model experiment results, and pipelines. You can’t just use any code-sharing platform for a machine learning project; you need to select a platform that lets you share code, resolve issues seamlessly, maintain lineage, handle data and models, provide experiment tracking […]

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5 Free Datasets to Start Your Machine Learning Projects

Image created with ChatGPT and Canva After completing a course and mastering the essentials of machine learning, it is time to start building machine learning models using real-world datasets. While accessing most real-world datasets can be expensive, platforms like Kaggle offer access to the latest datasets for free on a wide variety of machine learning tasks. In this blog, we will explore 5 free datasets that you can use to build a strong machine learning portfolio. By using these datasets, […]

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