Detecting Fake News with Natural Language Processing

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon 1. Introduction We consume news through several mediums throughout the day in our daily routine, but sometimes it becomes difficult to decide which one is fake and which one is authentic. Do you trust all the news you consume from online media? Every news that we consume is not real. If you listen to fake news it means you are collecting the wrong information from the world which can […]

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NLTK: A Beginners Hands-on Guide to Natural Language Processing

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction:  NLTK is a toolkit build for working with NLP in Python. It provides us various text processing libraries with a lot of test datasets. A variety of tasks can be performed using NLTK such as tokenizing, parse tree visualization, etc… In this article, we will go through how we can set up NLTK in our system and use them for performing various NLP tasks during the text processing […]

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Let’s Understand How does a chatbot work ?

Introduction A technology that makes the interaction between humans and machines in natural language possible, is an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot! They act like a typical search engine but with more enhanced features. Applications of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots are spread over various domains including eCommerce, healthcare, education, travel, automation, finance, hospitality, insurance, and so on. The chatbots are domain-specific and do what they are intended for.  The applications in their domain include: answering customer queries, booking services like flights, movie tickets, […]

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Text Analysis with Spacy to Master NLP techniques

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Natural Language Processing(NLP) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that deals with Daily Language. Have you ever wonder how Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant understand us with voice and respond to us. Human Language is the fuzziest and complex. As they receive text input first preprocessing of text happens and many techniques are embedded which lets them understand grammar. In this tutorial, we will study some techniques which are helpful […]

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Part 7: Step by Step Guide to Master NLP – Word Embedding in Detail

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction This article is part of an ongoing blog series on Natural Language Processing (NLP). In the previous articles (part-5 and 6), we completed the different text vectorization and word embeddings techniques in detail. In this article, firstly we will discuss the co-occurrence matrix, which is also a word vectorization technique and after that, we will be discussing new concepts related to the Word embedding that includes, Applications of […]

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Word Sense Disambiguation: Importance in Natural Language Processing

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction In human language, often a word is used in more than one way. Understanding the various usage patterns in the language is important for various Natural Language Processing Applications. ( Image: ) In various usage situations, the same word can mean differently. As, a vast majority of the information online, is in English, for the sake of simplicity, let us deal with examples in the English language only. […]

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Understanding Natural Language Processing -A Beginner’s Guide

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction:   Source: Language is very important when we want to communicate with each other. Every human can talk and tell others what they need and listen with language. These languages can be anything like English, Spanish, Hindi, Malayalam, etc… We can express our ideas to others in this medium. Language is one of the critical components of human intelligence. Every day we interact with humans, but how about […]

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Word2Vec For Word Embeddings -A Beginner’s Guide

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Why are word embeddings needed? Let us consider the two sentences – “You can scale your business.” and “You can grow your business.”. These two sentences have the same meaning. If we consider a vocabulary considering these two sentences, it will constitute of these words: {You, can, scale, grow, your, business}. A one-hot encoding of these words would create a vector of length 6. The encodings for each of […]

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A simple start with Natural Language Processing!

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction to NLP: After I got acquainted with Machine learning concepts, I was wary of venturing into NLP. To me, NLP was a subject area posing a complicated outlook. But after my first encounter with it, I have come to realize that though it is hard to master it, it is easy to follow the concepts. I am presenting some basic NLP concepts and their work. NLP or Natural […]

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NLP: Answer Retrieval from Document using Python

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction → This article focuses on answer retrieval from a document by using similarity and difference metrics. This task falls under Natural Language Processing which is a subset of Deep Learning. In this article we will be understanding the concept of general similarity algorithms and how can they be applied to complete our task. The article will be based on python for the coding part. How to Approach → To […]

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