Speller100: Zero-shot spelling correction at scale for 100-plus languages

At Microsoft Bing, our mission is to delight users everywhere with the best search experience. We serve a diverse set of customers all over the planet who issue queries in over 100 languages. In search we’ve found about 15% of queries submitted by customers have misspellings. When queries are misspelled, we match the wrong set of documents and trigger incorrect answers, which can produce a suboptimal results page for our customers. Therefore, spelling correction is the very first component in […]

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VinVL: Advancing the state of the art for vision-language models

Humans understand the world by perceiving and fusing information from multiple channels, such as images viewed by the eyes, voices heard by the ears, and other forms of sensory input. One of the core aspirations in AI is to develop algorithms that endow computers with a similar ability: to effectively learn from multimodal data like vision-language to make sense of the world around us. For example, vision-language (VL) systems allow searching the relevant images for a text query (or vice […]

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Microsoft DeBERTa surpasses human performance on the SuperGLUE benchmark

Natural language understanding (NLU) is one of the longest running goals in AI, and SuperGLUE is currently among the most challenging benchmarks for evaluating NLU models. The benchmark consists of a wide range of NLU tasks, including question answering, natural language inference, co-reference resolution, word sense disambiguation, and others. Take the causal reasoning task (COPA in Figure 1) as an example. Given the premise “the child became immune to the disease” and the question “what’s the cause for this?,” the […]

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Microsoft Turing Universal Language Representation model, T-ULRv2, tops XTREME leaderboard

Today, we are happy to announce that Turing multilingual language model (T-ULRv2) is the state of the art at the top of the Google XTREME public leaderboard. Created by the Microsoft Turing team in collaboration with Microsoft Research, the model beat the previous best from Alibaba (VECO) by 3.5 points in average score. To achieve this, in addition to the pretrained model, we leveraged “StableTune,” a novel multilingual fine-tuning technique based on stability training. Other models on the leaderboard include […]

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CodeXGLUE: A benchmark dataset and open challenge for code intelligence

According to Evans Data Corporation, there are 23.9 million professional developers in 2019, and the population is expected to reach 28.7 million in 2024. With the growing population of developers, code intelligence, which aims to leverage AI to help software developers improve the productivity of the development process, is growing increasingly important in both communities of software engineering and artificial intelligence. When developers want to find code written by others with the same intent, code search systems can help automatically […]

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DeepSpeed: Extreme-scale model training for everyone

In February, we announced DeepSpeed, an open-source deep learning training optimization library, and ZeRO (Zero Redundancy Optimizer), a novel memory optimization technology in the library, which vastly advances large model training by improving scale, speed, cost, and usability. DeepSpeed has enabled researchers to create Turing Natural Language Generation (Turing-NLG), the largest language model with 17 billion parameters and state-of-the-art accuracy at the time of its release. In May, we released ZeRO-2—supporting model training of 200 billion parameters up to 10x […]

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Domain-specific language model pretraining for biomedical natural language processing

COVID-19 highlights a perennial problem facing scientists around the globe: how do we stay up to date with the cutting edge of scientific knowledge? In just a few months since the pandemic emerged, tens of thousands of research papers have been published concerning COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This explosive growth sparks the creation of the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) to facilitate research and discovery. However, a pandemic is just one salient example of a prevailing challenge to this […]

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