How to Reduce Variance in a Final Machine Learning Model

Last Updated on June 26, 2020 A final machine learning model is one trained on all available data and is then used to make predictions on new data. A problem with most final models is that they suffer variance in their predictions. This means that each time you fit a model, you get a slightly different set of parameters that in turn will make slightly different predictions. Sometimes more and sometimes less skillful than what you expected. This can be […]

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How to Use Out-of-Fold Predictions in Machine Learning

Last Updated on August 28, 2020 Machine learning algorithms are typically evaluated using resampling techniques such as k-fold cross-validation. During the k-fold cross-validation process, predictions are made on test sets comprised of data not used to train the model. These predictions are referred to as out-of-fold predictions, a type of out-of-sample predictions. Out-of-fold predictions play an important role in machine learning in both estimating the performance of a model when making predictions on new data in the future, so-called the […]

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How to Develop Super Learner Ensembles in Python

Last Updated on August 17, 2020 Selecting a machine learning algorithm for a predictive modeling problem involves evaluating many different models and model configurations using k-fold cross-validation. The super learner is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that combines all of the models and model configurations that you might investigate for a predictive modeling problem and uses them to make a prediction as-good-as or better than any single model that you may have investigated. The super learner algorithm is an application […]

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How to Develop Multi-Output Regression Models with Python

Last Updated on September 15, 2020 Multioutput regression are regression problems that involve predicting two or more numerical values given an input example. An example might be to predict a coordinate given an input, e.g. predicting x and y values. Another example would be multi-step time series forecasting that involves predicting multiple future time series of a given variable. Many machine learning algorithms are designed for predicting a single numeric value, referred to simply as regression. Some algorithms do support […]

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Gradient Boosting with Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, LightGBM, and CatBoost

Last Updated on August 28, 2020 Gradient boosting is a powerful ensemble machine learning algorithm. It’s popular for structured predictive modeling problems, such as classification and regression on tabular data, and is often the main algorithm or one of the main algorithms used in winning solutions to machine learning competitions, like those on Kaggle. There are many implementations of gradient boosting available, including standard implementations in SciPy and efficient third-party libraries. Each uses a different interface and even different names […]

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Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning With Python

Last Updated on August 17, 2020 Stacking or Stacked Generalization is an ensemble machine learning algorithm. It uses a meta-learning algorithm to learn how to best combine the predictions from two or more base machine learning algorithms. The benefit of stacking is that it can harness the capabilities of a range of well-performing models on a classification or regression task and make predictions that have better performance than any single model in the ensemble. In this tutorial, you will discover […]

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One-vs-Rest and One-vs-One for Multi-Class Classification

Last Updated on September 7, 2020 Not all classification predictive models support multi-class classification. Algorithms such as the Perceptron, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machines were designed for binary classification and do not natively support classification tasks with more than two classes. One approach for using binary classification algorithms for multi-classification problems is to split the multi-class classification dataset into multiple binary classification datasets and fit a binary classification model on each. Two different examples of this approach are the […]

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How to Develop Voting Ensembles With Python

Last Updated on September 7, 2020 Voting is an ensemble machine learning algorithm. For regression, a voting ensemble involves making a prediction that is the average of multiple other regression models. In classification, a hard voting ensemble involves summing the votes for crisp class labels from other models and predicting the class with the most votes. A soft voting ensemble involves summing the predicted probabilities for class labels and predicting the class label with the largest sum probability. In this […]

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How to Develop a Random Forest Ensemble in Python

Last Updated on September 7, 2020 Random forest is an ensemble machine learning algorithm. It is perhaps the most popular and widely used machine learning algorithm given its good or excellent performance across a wide range of classification and regression predictive modeling problems. It is also easy to use given that it has few key hyperparameters and sensible heuristics for configuring these hyperparameters. In this tutorial, you will discover how to develop a random forest ensemble for classification and regression. […]

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How to Develop an Extra Trees Ensemble with Python

Last Updated on August 17, 2020 Extra Trees is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that combines the predictions from many decision trees. It is related to the widely used random forest algorithm. It can often achieve as-good or better performance than the random forest algorithm, although it uses a simpler algorithm to construct the decision trees used as members of the ensemble. It is also easy to use given that it has few key hyperparameters and sensible heuristics for configuring […]

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