Space Apps 2019 Finalists Submission: AstroTech

What is the NEOSSat Challenge?
The NEOSSat is a dual-mission microsatellite designed to detect potentially hazardous Earth-orbit-crossing asteroids and track objects that reside in deep space. At Space Apps 2019, a competition hosted by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) we took on the NEOSSat challenge. More info regarding the challenge can be found here:
Who are we and what is AstroTech?
We are the finalists from Toronto of NASA and the CSA’s 2019 Space Apps Challenge. Our team is composed of John Salib, Mustafa Khan, Aditya Mehrotra, Ankit Batra, Victor Qian, and Ahmed Mosehli.
Our goal was to detect and visualize asteroids moving in space using data from the NEOSSat. We call our solution: AstroTech.
AstroTech employs Edge Segmentation and False Colour Images in