Simulate the notspot quadrupedal robot using Gazebo and ROS with python
Notspot robot simulation – Python version
This repository contains all the files and code needed to simulate the notspot quadrupedal robot using Gazebo and ROS. The software runs on ROS noetic and Ubuntu 20.04. If you want to use a different ROS version, you might have to do some changes to the source code.
cd src && catkin_init_workspace
cd .. && catkin_make
source devel/setup.bash
roscd notspot_controller/scripts && chmod +x
cp -r RoboticsUtilities ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
roscd notspot_joystick/scripts && chmod +x
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch notspot run_robot_gazebo.launch
After all the nodes have started, you can start using your joystick to control the robot.
There’s four different controllers, which make it easy