Simple NLP in Python with TextBlob: N-Grams Detection

The constant growth of data on the Internet creates a demand for a tool that could process textual information in a faster way with no effort from the ordinary user.
Moreover, it’s highly important that this instrument of text analysis could implement solutions for both low and high-level NLP tasks such as counting word frequencies, calculating sentiment analysis of the texts or detecting patterns in relationships between words.
TextBlob is a great lightweight library for a wide variety of NLP tasks.
In this tutorial we will shed some light how to perform N-Grams Detection in Python using TextBlob.
What are N-Grams?
N-grams represent a continuous sequence of N elements from a given set of texts. In broad terms, such items do not necessarily stand for strings of words, they also can be phonemes, syllables or letters, depending on what you’d like to