Sentiment Analysis: Predicting Sentiment Of COVID-19 Tweets

Hi folks, I hope you are doing well in these difficult times! We all are going through the unprecedented time of the Corona Virus pandemic. Some people lost their lives, but many of us successfully defeated this new strain i.e. Covid-19. The virus was declared a pandemic by World Health Organization on 11th March 2020. This article will analyze various types of “Tweets” gathered during pandemic times. The study can be helpful for different stakeholders.
For example, Government can make use of this information in policymaking as they can able to know how people are reacting to this new strain, what all challenges they are facing such as food scarcity, panic attacks, etc. Various profit organizations can make a profit by analyzing various sentiments as one of the tweets telling us about the scarcity of masks and toilet papers. These organizations can able to start the production of essential