Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts on Chennai Floods using Python

The best way to learn data science is to do data science. No second thought about it!
One of the ways, I do this is continuously look for interesting work done by other community members. Once I understand the project, I do / improve the project on my own. Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to learn data science.
As part of my search, I came across a study on sentiment analysis of Chennai Floods on Analytics Vidhya. I decided to perform sentiment analysis of the same study using Python and add it here. Well, what can be better than building onto something great.
To get acquainted with the crisis of Chennai Floods, 2015 you can read the complete study here. This study was done on a set of social interactions limited to the first two days of Chennai Floods in December 2015.
The objectives of this article is to understand the different subjects of interactions during the floods using Python. Grouping similar messages