Selection Sort in Python

Sorting, although a basic operation, is one of the most important operations a computer should perform. It is a building block in many other algorithms and procedures, such as searching and merging. Knowing different sorting algorithms could help you better understand the ideas behind the different algorithms, as well as help you come up with better algorithms.
The Selection Sort algorithm sorts an array by finding the minimum value of the unsorted part and then swapping it with the first unsorted element. It is an in-place algorithm, meaning you won’t need to allocate additional lists. While slow, it is still used as the main sorting algorithm in systems where memory is limited.
In this article, we will explain how the Selection Sort works and implement it in Python. We will then break down the actions of the algorithm to learn its time complexity.
Selection Sort
So how does the selection sort work? Selection sort breaks the input list in two parts, the sorted part which initially is empty, and the unsorted part, which initially contains the list of all elements. The algorithm then selects the minimum value of all the unsorted file and swaps