Scans Amazon Route53 across an AWS Organization for domain records vulnerable to takeover

scans Amazon Route53 across an AWS Organization for domain records vulnerable to takeover
deploy to security audit account
deploy to security audit account
scan your entire AWS Organization
receive alerts by Slack or email
or manually scan from your laptop
subdomain detection functionality
- scans Amazon Route53 Alias records to identify CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin
- scans Amazon Route53 CNAME records to identify CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin
- scans Amazon Route53 for ElasticBeanstalk Alias records vulnerable to takeover
- scans Amazon Route53 for ElasticBeanstalk CNAMES vulnerable to takeover
- scans Amazon Route53 for subdomain NS delegations vulnerable to takeover
- scans Amazon Route53 for S3 Alias records vulnerable to takeover