RGB-D Local Implicit Function for Depth Completion of Transparent Objects
This repository maintains the official implementation of our CVPR 2021 paper:
RGB-D Local Implicit Function for Depth Completion of Transparent Objects
By Luyang Zhu, Arsalan Mousavian, Yu Xiang, Hammad Mazhar, Jozef van Eenbergen, Shoubhik Debnath, Dieter Fox
The code has been tested on the following system:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Nvidia GPU (4 Tesla V100 32GB GPUs) and CUDA 10.2
- python 3.7
- pytorch 1.6.0
Docker (Recommended)
We provide a Dockerfile for building a container to run our code. More details about GPU accelerated Docker containers can be found here.
Local Installation
We recommend creating a new conda environment for a clean installation of the dependencies.
conda create --name lidf python=3.7
conda activate lidf
Make sure CUDA 10.2 is