RfD-Net: Point Scene Understanding by Semantic Instance Reconstruction


Yinyu Nie, Ji Hou, Xiaoguang Han, Matthias Nießner
In CVPR, 2021.

From an incomplete point cloud of a 3D scene (left), our method learns to jointly understand the 3D objects and reconstruct instance meshes as the output (right).


  1. This implementation uses Python 3.6, Pytorch1.7.1, cudatoolkit 11.0. We recommend to use conda to deploy the environment.

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate rfdnet
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Next, compile the external libraries by

    python setup.py build_ext --inplace
  3. Install PointNet++ by

    cd external/pointnet2_ops_lib
    pip install .


The pretrained model can be downloaded here. Put the pretrained model in the directory as below


A demo is illustrated




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