Reverse Engineering Framework for the Polyend Tracker

is a reverse engineering framework for the Polyend Tracker written in Python.
It is based on unofficial patches that it applies to the vendor’s stock firmware.
These patches replace the Tracker’s MTP file transfer functionality (disabled by Polyend with the introduction of firmware v1.4.0) with a custom USB HID handler.
The RETracker's
custom USB handler introduces new, non-official features to the Polyend Tracker
that can be controlled from a computer via USB.
The RETracker
firmware’s basic features comprise the following:
- Reading/dumping of memory
- Writing/patching of memory
- Execution of custom code/redirection of control flow
- Writing files to the tracker’s SD card
These features are a solid base for adding further functions to the Polyend Tracker
during run-time, by assembling position-independend