Python Client for Algorithmia Algorithms and Data API

Algorithmia Common Library (python)
Python client library for accessing the Algorithmia API For API documentation.
Algorithm Development Kit
This package contains the algorithmia-adk development kit, simply add from Algorithmia import ADK
into your workflow to access it.
Install from PyPi
The official Algorithmia python client is available on PyPi.
Install it with pip:
pip install algorithmia
Install from source
Build algorithmia client wheel:
python bdist_wheel
Install a wheel manually:
pip install --user --upgrade dist/algorithmia-*.whl
from directory containing and the Algorithmia directory:
pip3 install ./
to use the CLI it may be nessesary to add the install location to the PATH enviroment variable
export PATH = $HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
First, create an Algorithmia client