PySLM Python Library for Selective Laser Melting and Additive Manufacturing

PySLM is a Python library for supporting development of input files used in Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing, in particular Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) platforms typically used in both academia and industry. The core capabilities aim to include slicing, hatching and support generation and providing an interface to the binary build file formats available for platforms. The library is built of core classes which may provide the basic functionality to generate the scan vectors used on systems and also be used as building blocks to prototype and develop new algorithms.
This library provides design tools for use in Additive Manufacturing including the slicing, hatching, support generation and related analysis tools (e.g. overhang analysis, build-time estimation).
PySLM is built-upon python libraries Trimesh and based