pylic – Python license checker

Reads pylic configuration in pyproject.toml and checks licenses of installed packages recursively.


  • Every license has to be allowed explicitly (case-insensitive comparison).
  • All installed packages without a license are considered unsafe and have to be listed as such.

Only installed packages are checked for licenses. Packages/dependencies listed in pyproject.toml are ignored.


pip install pylic


pylic needs be run in the directory where your pyproject.toml file is located. You can configure

safe_licenses: All licenses you concider safe for usage. The string comparison is case-insensitive.

unsafe_packages: If you rely on a package that does not come with a license you have to explicitly list it as such.

safe_licenses = [
“Apache Software License”,
“Apache License 2.0”,
“MIT License”,
“Python Software Foundation License”,
“Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)”,
unsafe_packages = [


pylic provides the following commands (also see pylic help):