Proper project management with Taskwarrior in vim


Proper project management in vim. Standing on the shoulders of vimwiki and Taskwarrior


Make sure you satisfy the requirements

  • Vim 7.4 or newer, with +python or +python3 (NeoVim is also supported)

  • Vimwiki (the dev branch)

      git clone ~/.vim/bundle/ --branch dev
  • Taskwarrior (version 2.4.0 or newer), install either from sources or using your package manager

      sudo dnf install task
  • tasklib (the develop branch), Python library for Taskwarrior.

      sudo pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
  • For neovim users: Note that pynvim is a required python 3 provider in case you are using neovim

      sudo pip3 install pynvim


To finish reading, please visit source site