PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation

This repo is implementation for PointNet(https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.00593) in pytorch. The model is in pointnet/model.py.

It is tested with pytorch-1.0.

git clone https://github.com/fxia22/pointnet.pytorch
cd pointnet.pytorch
pip install -e .

Download and build visualization tool

cd script
bash build.sh #build C++ code for visualization
bash download.sh #download dataset


cd utils
python train_classification.py --dataset  --nepoch= --dataset_type 
python train_segmentation.py --dataset  --nepoch= 

Use --feature_transform to use feature transform.

Classification performance

On ModelNet40:

Overall Acc
Original implementation 89.2
this implementation(w/o feature transform) 86.4
this implementation(w/ feature transform) 87.0

On A subset of shapenet

Overall Acc
Original implementation N/A
this implementation(w/o feature transform) 98.1
this implementation(w/ feature transform) 97.7

Segmentation performance

Segmentation on A subset of shapenet.

Class(mIOU) Airplane Bag


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