Pixel Art Reverse Image Search for OpenGameArt


Pixel art search engine for opengameart.

## What data do you need on each image to create a reverse image search?
I used [VGG16 feature extraction](https://towardsdatascience.com/extract-features-visualize-filters-and-feature-maps-in-vgg16-and-vgg19-cnn-models-d2da6333edd0) in [my script for this](https://github.com/emnh/PixelArtSearch/blob/master/scripts/featureVectors.py).
See the article for more information, but in essence it’s 4096 32-bit floating point numbers for each image, which describe various features of the image, say for instance in a very simplified way how many stripes or squares it has or how green it is.
But these features are based on neurons in the neural network for VGG16 (which is usually used for image classification), so the features could be more complicated than what is described by simple feature tags.
And the reason we need these vectors is that it’s easy to use Euclidean distance or cosine




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