Parse Datetime Strings with parsedatetime in Python



In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to parse Datetime with parsedatetime in Python.

To use the parsedatetime package we first need to install it using pip:

$ pip install parsedatetime

Should pip install parsedatetime fail, the package is also opensource available on Github.

Convert String to Python’s Datetime Object with parsedatetime

The first, and most common way to use parsedatetime is to parse a string into a datetime object. First, you’ll want to import the parsedatetime library, and instantiate a Calendar object, which does the actual input, parsing and manipulation of dates:

import parsedatetime
calendar = parsedatetime.Calendar()

Now we can call the parse() method of the calendar instance with a string as an argument. You can put in regular datetime-formatted strings, such as



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