In search for future of cloud storage, researchers look to holographic storage solutions

Data storage has always been a key tenet of compute, and with the massive growth in cloud compute, the demand for cloud data storage has opened an avenue for both revisiting prior technologies and developing new ones. It is projected that around 125 zettabytes of data will be generated annually by 2024, and storing this in a cost-effective way is going to be a big challenge. The cloud has also changed the way we think about compute and storage. In […]

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Python Virtual Environments Explained

What is VirtualEnv? The virtualenv tool creates an isolated Python environment (in the form of a directory) that is completely separate from the system-wide Python environment. What this really means is that any settings, 3rd-party packages, etc. from the system-wide environment do not appear in the virtual environment, so it’s almost like you have a clean Python install. This is useful for when you want to have a clean-slate for your projects. Let’s say you have boto version 2.7.0 installed […]

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Pyramid Explained

What is Pyramid Pyramid is a Python web framework created from the combination of Pylons and repoze.bfg, resulting in a flexible, easy to use framework. Pyramid puts much of its focus in being flexible, so no application will be constrained by decisions made by the Pyramid creators. For example, you can use Mako or Chameleon for templating, just about any type of database for persistence, and a number of different methods for view routing (the list goes on). Many features […]

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How to Exploit the Heartbleed Bug

First we explained how it worked, and now, thanks to Jared Stafford (and stbnps on Github for explanations) we can show you how to exploit it. Heartbleed is a simple bug, and therefore a simple bug to exploit. As you’ll see below, it only takes about a single page of Python to exploit this bug. Before we get to the code, here are a few reference links to help you understand the SSL protocol: The Code #!/usr/bin/python # Quick and […]

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Example: Upload a File to AWS S3 with Boto

Example Code Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of extremely popular set of services for websites and apps, so knowing how to interact with the various services is important. Here, we focus on the Simple Storage Service (S3), which is essentially a file store service. All files must be assigned to a bucket, which is assigned a name and can be addressed by{bucket}/{key}. Each file is assigned a unique key, which can be used later on to retrieve […]

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How to Send an Email with boto and SES

Introduction Pretty much every user-based app and website needs to send an email to the user at some point, so eventually you’ll have to deal with the joyous world of programmatic emailing. There are quite a few services popping up to help you with this, but with every app having its own unique requirements, few of these services adequately get the job done. So having faced the problem a few times (and in a few languages), I decided to write […]

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The Best Machine Learning Libraries in Python

Introduction There is no doubt that neural networks, and machine learning in general, has been one of the hottest topics in tech the past few years or so. It’s easy to see why with all of the really interesting use-cases they solve, like voice recognition, image recognition, or even music composition. So, for this article I decided to compile a list of some of the best Python machine learning libraries and posted them below. In my opinion, Python is one […]

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Why Beginners Should Learn Python

From some of my other posts you’ve probably noticed that I’m a big fan of Node.js. While this is true, and has been my go-to language for a while now, I don’t always recommend it to everyone. Just starting out in programming and computer science can be a bit daunting. Which language should you pick? Which IDE should you use? And more importantly, why? In my opinion, the most important thing you should do when programming is choose the right […]

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Python async/await Tutorial

Asynchronous programming has been gaining a lot of traction in the past few years, and for good reason. Although it can be more difficult than the traditional linear style, it is also much more efficient. For example, instead of waiting for an HTTP request to finish before continuing execution, with Python async coroutines you can submit the request and do other work that’s waiting in a queue while waiting for the HTTP request to finish. It might take a bit […]

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Install Python on Mac OSX

As with just about any open source software package, there are quite a few ways to install Python on Mac OSX. I figured it would be helpful to detail a few of the easiest ways to install Python, including the following: These are the most commons you’ll encounter, and each method has its own purpose, all of which I’ll detail in the sections below. Instructions for installing Python 2 and 3 are different in most cases (but not by much), […]

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