Autoencoders for Image Reconstruction in Python and Keras

Introduction Nowadays, we have huge amounts of data in almost every application we use – listening to music on Spotify, browsing friend’s images on Instagram, or maybe watching an new trailer on YouTube. There is always data being transmitted from the servers to you. This wouldn’t be a problem for a single user. But imagine handling thousands, if not millions, of requests with large data at the same time. These streams of data have to be reduced somehow in order […]

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Uploading Files to AWS S3 with Python and Django

Introduction In the quest to build more interactive websites, we don’t only relay information to users but also allow them to upload data of their own. This opens up more opportunities and more ways that our websites can serve the end-users. By allowing users to upload files, we can allow them to share photographs, videos, or music with others or back them up for safekeeping. We can also provide the functionality to manage files and convert them into other formats […]

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Introduction to PyTorch for Classification

PyTorch and TensorFlow libraries are two of the most commonly used Python libraries for deep learning. PyTorch is developed by Facebook, while TensorFlow is a Google project. In this article, you will see how the PyTorch library can be used to solve classification problems. Classification problems belong to the category of machine learning problems where given a set of features, the task is to predict a discrete value. Predicting whether a tumour is cancerous or not, or whether a student […]

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Time Series Prediction using LSTM with PyTorch in Python

Time series data, as the name suggests is a type of data that changes with time. For instance, the temperature in a 24-hour time period, the price of various products in a month, the stock prices of a particular company in a year. Advanced deep learning models such as Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM), are capable of capturing patterns in the time series data, and therefore can be used to make predictions regarding the future trend of the data. […]

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Asynchronous Tasks Using Flask, Redis, and Celery

Introduction As web applications evolve and their usage increases, the use-cases also diversify. We are now building and using websites for more complex tasks than ever before. Some of these tasks can be processed and feedback relayed to the users instantly, while others require further processing and relaying of results later. The increased adoption of internet access and internet-capable devices has led to increased end-user traffic. In a bid to handle increased traffic or increased complexity of functionality, sometimes we […]

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Coroutines in Python

Introduction Every programmer is acquainted with functions – sequences of instructions grouped together as a single unit in order to perform predetermined tasks. They admit a single entry point, are capable of accepting arguments, may or may not have a return value, and can be called at any moment during a program’s execution – including by other functions and themselves. When a program calls a function its current execution context is saved before passing control over to the function and […]

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Understanding OpenGL through Python

Introduction Following this article by Muhammad Junaid Khalid, where basic OpenGL concepts and setup was explained, now we’ll be looking at how to make more complex objects and how to animate them. OpenGL is very old, and you won’t find many tutorials online on how to properly use it and understand it because all the top dogs are already knee-deep in new technologies. To understand modern OpenGL code, you have to first understand the ancient concepts that were written on […]

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Advanced OpenGL in Python with PyGame and PyOpenGL

Introduction Following the previous article, Understanding OpenGL through Python where we’ve set the foundation for further learning, we can jump into OpenGL using PyGame and PyOpenGL. PyOpenGL is the standardized library used as a bridge between Python and the OpenGL APIs, and PyGame is a standardized library used for making games in Python. It offers built-in handy graphical and audio libraries and we’ll be using it to render the result more easily at the end of the article. As mentioned […]

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Quicksort in Python

Introduction Quicksort is a popular sorting algorithm and is often used, right alongside Merge Sort. It’s a good example of an efficient sorting algorithm, with an average complexity of O(nlogn). Part of its popularity also derives from the ease of implementation. We will use simple integers in the first part of this article, but we’ll give an example of how to change this algorithm to sort objects of a custom class. Quicksort is a representative of three types of sorting […]

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Using cURL in Python with PycURL

Introduction In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use PycURL, which is an interface to the cURL library in Python. cURL is a tool used for transferring data to and from a server and for making various types of data requests. PycURL is great for testing REST APIs, downloading files, and so on. Some developers prefer using Postman for testing APIs but PycURL is another suitable option to do so as it supports multiple protocols like FILE, […]

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