How to Develop a 1D Generative Adversarial Network From Scratch in Keras

Last Updated on September 1, 2020 Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs for short, are a deep learning architecture for training powerful generator models. A generator model is capable of generating new artificial samples that plausibly could have come from an existing distribution of samples. GANs are comprised of both generator and discriminator models. The generator is responsible for generating new samples from the domain, and the discriminator is responsible for classifying whether samples are real or fake (generated). Importantly, the […]

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How to Develop a Deep Learning Photo Caption Generator from Scratch

Last Updated on September 3, 2020 Develop a Deep Learning Model to AutomaticallyDescribe Photographs in Python with Keras, Step-by-Step. Caption generation is a challenging artificial intelligence problem where a textual description must be generated for a given photograph. It requires both methods from computer vision to understand the content of the image and a language model from the field of natural language processing to turn the understanding of the image into words in the right order. Recently, deep learning methods […]

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How to Develop a GAN for Generating MNIST Handwritten Digits

Last Updated on September 1, 2020 Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, are an architecture for training generative models, such as deep convolutional neural networks for generating images. Developing a GAN for generating images requires both a discriminator convolutional neural network model for classifying whether a given image is real or generated and a generator model that uses inverse convolutional layers to transform an input to a full two-dimensional image of pixel values. It can be challenging to understand both how […]

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How to Develop a GAN to Generate CIFAR10 Small Color Photographs

Last Updated on September 1, 2020 Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, are an architecture for training generative models, such as deep convolutional neural networks for generating images. Developing a GAN for generating images requires both a discriminator convolutional neural network model for classifying whether a given image is real or generated and a generator model that uses inverse convolutional layers to transform an input to a full two-dimensional image of pixel values. It can be challenging to understand both how […]

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How to Explore the GAN Latent Space When Generating Faces

Last Updated on September 1, 2020 How to Use Interpolation and Vector Arithmetic to Explore the GAN Latent Space. Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, are an architecture for training generative models, such as deep convolutional neural networks for generating images. The generative model in the GAN architecture learns to map points in the latent space to generated images. The latent space has no meaning other than the meaning applied to it via the generative model. Yet, the latent space has […]

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How to Develop a Conditional GAN (cGAN) From Scratch

Last Updated on September 1, 2020 Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, are an architecture for training generative models, such as deep convolutional neural networks for generating images. Although GAN models are capable of generating new random plausible examples for a given dataset, there is no way to control the types of images that are generated other than trying to figure out the complex relationship between the latent space input to the generator and the generated images. The conditional generative adversarial […]

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How to Identify and Diagnose GAN Failure Modes

Last Updated on August 17, 2020 How to Identify Unstable Models When Training Generative Adversarial Networks. GANs are difficult to train. The reason they are difficult to train is that both the generator model and the discriminator model are trained simultaneously in a zero sum game. This means that improvements to one model come at the expense of the other model. The goal of training two models involves finding a point of equilibrium between the two competing concerns. It also […]

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A Tour of Generative Adversarial Network Models

Last Updated on July 12, 2019 Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, are deep learning architecture generative models that have seen wide success. There are thousands of papers on GANs and many hundreds of named-GANs, that is, models with a defined name that often includes “GAN“, such as DCGAN, as opposed to a minor extension to the method. Given the vast size of the GAN literature and number of models, it can be, at the very least, confusing and frustrating as […]

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How to Get Started With Generative Adversarial Networks (7-Day Mini-Course)

Last Updated on July 12, 2019 Generative Adversarial Networks With Python Crash Course.Bring Generative Adversarial Networks to Your Project in 7 Days. Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs for short, are a deep learning technique for training generative models. The study and application of GANs are only a few years old, yet the results achieved have been nothing short of remarkable. Because the field is so young, it can be challenging to know how to get started, what to focus on, […]

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How to Code the GAN Training Algorithm and Loss Functions

Last Updated on January 10, 2020 The Generative Adversarial Network, or GAN for short, is an architecture for training a generative model. The architecture is comprised of two models. The generator that we are interested in, and a discriminator model that is used to assist in the training of the generator. Initially, both of the generator and discriminator models were implemented as Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP), although more recently, the models are implemented as deep convolutional neural networks. It can be […]

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