Multimodal Metric Learning for Tag-based Music Retrieval

Tag-based music retrieval is crucial to browse large-scale music libraries efficiently. Hence, automatic music tagging has been actively explored, mostly as a classification task, which has an inherent limitation: a fixed vocabulary… On the other hand, metric learning enables flexible vocabularies by using pretrained word embeddings as side information. Also, metric learning has already proven its suitability for cross-modal retrieval tasks in other domains (e.g., text-to-image) by jointly learning a multimodal embedding space. In this paper, we investigate three ideas […]

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Machine Translation Weekly 57: Document-level MT with Context Masking

This week, I am going to discuss the paper “Long-Short Term Masking Transformer: A Simple but Effective Baseline for Document-level Neural Machine Translation” by authors from Alibaba Group. The preprint of the paper appeared a month ago on arXiv and will be presented at this year’s EMNLP. Including document-level context into machine translation is one of the biggest challenges of current machine translation. It has several reasons. One is the lack of document-level training data, which is partially caused by […]

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Named Entity Recognition for Social Media Texts with Semantic Augmentation

Existing approaches for named entity recognition suffer from data sparsity problems when conducted on short and informal texts, especially user-generated social media content. Semantic augmentation is a potential way to alleviate this problem… Given that rich semantic information is implicitly preserved in pre-trained word embeddings, they are potential ideal resources for semantic augmentation. In this paper, we propose a neural-based approach to NER for social media texts where both local (from running text) and augmented semantics are taken into account. […]

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Improving Named Entity Recognition with Attentive Ensemble of Syntactic Information

Named entity recognition (NER) is highly sensitive to sentential syntactic and semantic properties where entities may be extracted according to how they are used and placed in the running text. To model such properties, one could rely on existing resources to providing helpful knowledge to the NER task; some existing studies proved the effectiveness of doing so, and yet are limited in appropriately leveraging the knowledge such as distinguishing the important ones for particular context… In this paper, we improve […]

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RelationNet++: Bridging Visual Representations for Object Detection via Transformer Decoder

Existing object detection frameworks are usually built on a single format of object/part representation, i.e., anchor/proposal rectangle boxes in RetinaNet and Faster R-CNN, center points in FCOS and RepPoints, and corner points in CornerNet. While these different representations usually drive the frameworks to perform well in different aspects, e.g., better classification or finer localization, it is in general difficult to combine these representations in a single framework to make good use of each strength, due to the heterogeneous or non-grid […]

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Domain adaptation under structural causal models

Domain adaptation (DA) arises as an important problem in statistical machine learning when the source data used to train a model is different from the target data used to test the model. Recent advances in DA have mainly been application-driven and have largely relied on the idea of a common subspace for source and target data… To understand the empirical successes and failures of DA methods, we propose a theoretical framework via structural causal models that enables analysis and comparison […]

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CAFE: Coarse-to-Fine Neural Symbolic Reasoning for Explainable Recommendation

Recent research explores incorporating knowledge graphs (KG) into e-commerce recommender systems, not only to achieve better recommendation performance, but more importantly to generate explanations of why particular decisions are made. This can be achieved by explicit KG reasoning, where a model starts from a user node, sequentially determines the next step, and walks towards an item node of potential interest to the user… However, this is challenging due to the huge search space, unknown destination, and sparse signals over the […]

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Learning Deep Interleaved Networks with Asymmetric Co-Attention for Image Restoration

Recently, convolutional neural network (CNN) has demonstrated significant success for image restoration (IR) tasks (e.g., image super-resolution, image deblurring, rain streak removal, and dehazing). However, existing CNN based models are commonly implemented as a single-path stream to enrich feature representations from low-quality (LQ) input space for final predictions, which fail to fully incorporate preceding low-level contexts into later high-level features within networks, thereby producing inferior results… In this paper, we present a deep interleaved network (DIN) that learns how information […]

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Iteratively reweighted greedy set cover

We empirically analyze a simple heuristic for large sparse set cover problems. It uses the weighted greedy algorithm as a basic building block… By multiplicative updates of the weights attached to the elements, the greedy solution is iteratively improved. The implementation of this algorithm is trivial and the algorithm is essentially free of parameters that would require tuning. More iterations can only improve the solution. This set of features makes the approach attractive for practical problems. (read more) PDF

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Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization of theThermodynamic Variational Objective

Achieving the full promise of the Thermodynamic Variational Objective (TVO),a recently proposed variational lower bound on the log evidence involving a one-dimensional Riemann integral approximation, requires choosing a “schedule” ofsorted discretization points. This paper introduces a bespoke Gaussian processbandit optimization method for automatically choosing these points… Our approach not only automates their one-time selection, but also dynamically adaptstheir positions over the course of optimization, leading to improved model learning and inference. We provide theoretical guarantees that our bandit optimizationconverges to […]

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