The Complexity of Gradient Descent: CLS = PPAD $cap$ PLS

We study search problems that can be solved by performing Gradient Descent on a bounded convex polytopal domain and show that this class is equal to the intersection of two well-known classes: PPAD and PLS. As our main underlying technical contribution, we show that computing a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of a continuously differentiable function over the domain $[0,1]^2$ is PPAD $cap$ PLS-complete… This is the first natural problem to be shown complete for this class. Our results also imply that […]

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Improved unsupervised physics-informed deep learning for intravoxel-incoherent motion modeling and evaluation in pancreatic cancer patients

${bf Purpose}$: Earlier work showed that IVIM-NET$_{orig}$, an unsupervised physics-informed deep neural network, was faster and more accurate than other state-of-the-art intravoxel-incoherent motion (IVIM) fitting approaches to DWI. This study presents: IVIM-NET$_{optim}$, overcoming IVIM-NET$_{orig}$’s shortcomings… ${bf Method}$: In simulations (SNR=20), the accuracy, independence and consistency of IVIM-NET were evaluated for combinations of hyperparameters (fit S0, constraints, network architecture, # hidden layers, dropout, batch normalization, learning rate), by calculating the NRMSE, Spearman’s $rho$, and the coefficient of variation (CV$_{NET}$), respectively. The […]

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MACE: Model Agnostic Concept Extractor for Explaining Image Classification Networks

Deep convolutional networks have been quite successful at various image classification tasks. The current methods to explain the predictions of a pre-trained model rely on gradient information, often resulting in saliency maps that focus on the foreground object as a whole… However, humans typically reason by dissecting an image and pointing out the presence of smaller concepts. The final output is often an aggregation of the presence or absence of these smaller concepts. In this work, we propose MACE: a […]

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Weakly- and Semi-supervised Evidence Extraction

For many prediction tasks, stakeholders desire not only predictions but also supporting evidence that a human can use to verify its correctness. However, in practice, additional annotations marking supporting evidence may only be available for a minority of training examples (if available at all)… In this paper, we propose new methods to combine few evidence annotations (strong semi-supervision) with abundant document-level labels (weak supervision) for the task of evidence extraction. Evaluating on two classification tasks that feature evidence annotations, we […]

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Generalization to New Actions in Reinforcement Learning

A fundamental trait of intelligence is the ability to achieve goals in the face of novel circumstances, such as making decisions from new action choices. However, standard reinforcement learning assumes a fixed set of actions and requires expensive retraining when given a new action set… To make learning agents more adaptable, we introduce the problem of zero-shot generalization to new actions. We propose a two-stage framework where the agent first infers action representations from action information acquired separately from the […]

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Who is the world cheering for? 2014 FIFA WC winner predicted using Twitter feed (in R)

Sports are filled with emotions! Cheering of audience, reactions to events on various media channels are some of the factors, which make a huge impact on the mind of the players. If people support you, your chances to win are greatly enhanced. Live example of this fact, are the statistics of Indian cricket team playing in India and abroad. The win rate of Indian cricket team in India is approximately twice the win rate abroad. Football is again a game driven largely by emotions. […]

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Kaggle Solution: What’s Cooking ? (Text Mining Competition)

Introduction Tutorial on Text Mining, XGBoost and Ensemble Modeling in R I came across What’s Cooking competition on Kaggle last week. At first, I was intrigued by its name. I checked it and realized that this competition is about to finish. My bad! It was a text mining competition.  This competition went live for 103 days and ended on 20th December 2015. Still, I decided to test my skills. I downloaded the data set, built a model and managed to get a score of […]

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Measuring Audience Sentiments about Movies using Twitter and Text Analytics

Introduction The practice of using analytics to measure movie’s success is not a new phenomenon. Most of these predictive models are based on structured data with input variables such as Cost of Production, Genre of the Movie, Actor, Director, Production House, Marketing expenditure, no of distribution platforms, etc. However, with the advent of social media platforms, young demographics, digital media and the increasing adoption of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc to express views and opinions. Social Media has become a […]

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Introduction to Computational Linguistics and Dependency Trees in data science

Introduction In recent years, the amalgam of deep learning fundamentals with Natural Language Processing techniques has shown a great improvement in the information mining tasks on unstructured text data. The models are now able to recognize natural language and speech comparable to human levels. Despite such improvements, discrepancies in the results still exist as sometimes the information is coded very deep in the syntaxes and syntactic structures of the corpus. Example – Problem with Neural Networks For example, a conversation […]

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A Must-Read Introduction to Sequence Modelling (with use cases)

Introduction Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were supposed to replicate the architecture of the human brain, yet till about a decade ago, the only common feature between ANN and our brain was the nomenclature of their entities (for instance – neuron). These neural networks were almost useless as they had very low predictive power and less number of practical applications. But thanks to the rapid advancement in technology in the last decade, we have seen the gap being bridged to the […]

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