Learning a Geometric Representation for Data-Efficient Depth Estimation via Gradient Field and Contrastive Loss

Estimating a depth map from a single RGB image has been investigated widely for localization, mapping, and 3-dimensional object detection. Recent studies on a single-view depth estimation are mostly based on deep Convolutional neural Networks (ConvNets) which require a large amount of training data paired with densely annotated labels… Depth annotation tasks are both expensive and inefficient, so it is inevitable to leverage RGB images which can be collected very easily to boost the performance of ConvNets without depth labels. […]

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Learning to Orient Surfaces by Self-supervised Spherical CNNs

Defining and reliably finding a canonical orientation for 3D surfaces is key to many Computer Vision and Robotics applications. This task is commonly addressed by handcrafted algorithms exploiting geometric cues deemed as distinctive and robust by the designer… Yet, one might conjecture that humans learn the notion of the inherent orientation of 3D objects from experience and that machines may do so alike. In this work, we show the feasibility of learning a robust canonical orientation for surfaces represented as […]

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Modular Primitives for High-Performance Differentiable Rendering

We present a modular differentiable renderer design that yields performance superior to previous methods by leveraging existing, highly optimized hardware graphics pipelines. Our design supports all crucial operations in a modern graphics pipeline: rasterizing large numbers of triangles, attribute interpolation, filtered texture lookups, as well as user-programmable shading and geometry processing, all in high resolutions… Our modular primitives allow custom, high-performance graphics pipelines to be built directly within automatic differentiation frameworks such as PyTorch or TensorFlow. As a motivating application, […]

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Optimal Resource and Demand Redistribution for Healthcare Systems Under Stress from COVID-19

When facing an extreme stressor, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare systems typically respond reactively by creating surge capacity at facilities that are at or approaching their baseline capacity. However, creating individual capacity at each facility is not necessarily the optimal approach, and redistributing demand and critical resources between facilities can reduce the total required capacity… Data shows that this additional load was unevenly distributed between hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring some to create surge capacity while nearby hospitals […]

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An Unsupervised method for OCR Post-Correction and Spelling Normalisation for Finnish

Historical corpora are known to contain errors introduced by OCR (optical character recognition) methods used in the digitization process, often said to be degrading the performance of NLP systems. Correcting these errors manually is a time-consuming process and a great part of the automatic approaches have been relying on rules or supervised machine learning… We build on previous work on fully automatic unsupervised extraction of parallel data to train a character-based sequence-to-sequence NMT (neural machine translation) model to conduct OCR […]

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Research Collection – Re-Inventing Storage for the Cloud Era

“One of the challenges for us as a company, and us as an industry, is that many of the technologies we rely on are beginning to get to the point where either they are at the end, or they’re starting to get to the point where you can see the end. Moore’s Law is a well-publicized one and we hit it some time ago. And that’s a great opportunity, because whenever you get that rollover, you get an opportunity to […]

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Generating Command-Line Interfaces (CLI) with Fire in Python

Introduction A Command-line interface (CLI) is a way to interact with computers using textual commands. A lot of tools that don’t require GUIs are written as CLI tools/utilities. Although Python has the built-in argparse module, other libraries with similar functionality do exist. These libraries can help us in writing CLI scripts, providing services like parsing options and flags to much more advanced CLI functionality. This article discusses the Python Fire library, written by Google Inc., a useful tool to create […]

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Voice Separation with an Unknown Number of Multiple Speakers

Abstract We present a new method for separating a mixed audio sequence, in which multiple voices speak simultaneously. The new method employs gated neural networks that are trained to separate the voices at multiple processing steps, while maintaining the speaker in each output channel fixed. A different model is trained for every number of possible speakers, and the model with the largest number of speakers is employed to select the actual number of speakers in a given sample. Our method […]

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Low-Resource Domain Adaptation for Compositional Task-Oriented Semantic Parsing

Abstract Task-oriented semantic parsing is a critical component of virtual assistants, which is responsible for understanding the user’s intents (set reminder, play music, etc.). Recent advances in deep learning have enabled several approaches to successfully parse more complex queries (Gupta et al., 2018; Rongali et al., 2020), but these models require a large amount of annotated training data to parse queries on new domains (e.g. reminder, music). In this paper, we focus on adapting task-oriented semantic parsers to low-resource domains, […]

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Unsupervised Translation of Programming Languages

Abstract A transcompiler, also known as source-to-source translator, is a system that converts source code from a high-level programming language (such as C++ or Python) to another. Transcompilers are primarily used for interoperability, and to port codebases written in an obsolete or deprecated language (e.g. COBOL, Python 2) to a modern one. They typically rely on handcrafted rewrite rules, applied to the source code abstract syntax tree. Unfortunately, the resulting translations often lack readability, fail to respect the target language […]

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