Synonym Knowledge Enhanced Reader for Chinese Idiom Reading Comprehension

Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is the task that asks a machine to answer questions based on a given context. For Chinese MRC, due to the non-literal and non-compositional semantic characteristics, Chinese idioms pose unique challenges for machines to understand… Previous studies tend to treat idioms separately without fully exploiting the relationship among them. In this paper, we first define the concept of literal meaning coverage to measure the consistency between semantics and literal meanings for Chinese idioms. With the definition, […]

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Geometric Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic DAG Scheduling

In practice, it is quite common to face combinatorial optimization problems which contain uncertainty along with non-determinism and dynamicity. These three properties call for appropriate algorithms; reinforcement learning (RL) is dealing with them in a very natural way… Today, despite some efforts, most real-life combinatorial optimization problems remain out of the reach of reinforcement learning algorithms. In this paper, we propose a reinforcement learning approach to solve a realistic scheduling problem, and apply it to an algorithm commonly executed in […]

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EfficientPose — An efficient, accurate and scalable end-to-end 6D multi object pose estimation approach

In this paper we introduce EfficientPose, a new approach for 6D object pose estimation. Our method is highly accurate, efficient and scalable over a wide range of computational resources… Moreover, it can detect the 2D bounding box of multiple objects and instances as well as estimate their full 6D poses in a single shot. This eliminates the significant increase in runtime when dealing with multiple objects other approaches suffer from. These approaches aim to first detect 2D targets, e.g. keypoints, […]

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Scaling Hidden Markov Language Models

The hidden Markov model (HMM) is a fundamental tool for sequence modeling that cleanly separates the hidden state from the emission structure. However, this separation makes it difficult to fit HMMs to large datasets in modern NLP, and they have fallen out of use due to very poor performance compared to fully observed models… This work revisits the challenge of scaling HMMs to language modeling datasets, taking ideas from recent approaches to neural modeling. We propose methods for scaling HMMs […]

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Spectral clustering on spherical coordinates under the degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel

Spectral clustering is a popular method for community detection in networks under the assumption of the standard stochastic blockmodel. Taking a matrix representation of the graph such as the adjacency matrix, the nodes are clustered on a low dimensional projection obtained from a truncated spectral decomposition of the matrix… Estimating the number of communities and the dimension of the reduced latent space well is crucial for good performance of spectral clustering algorithms. Real-world networks, such as computer networks studied in […]

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What time is it? Temporal Analysis of Novels

Recognizing the flow of time in a story is a crucial aspect of understanding it. Prior work related to time has primarily focused on identifying temporal expressions or relative sequencing of events, but here we propose computationally annotating each line of a book with wall clock times, even in the absence of explicit time-descriptive phrases… To do so, we construct a data set of hourly time phrases from 52,183 fictional books. We then construct a time-of-day classification model that achieves […]

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CxGBERT: BERT meets Construction Grammar

While lexico-semantic elements no doubt capture a large amount of linguistic information, it has been argued that they do not capture all information contained in text. This assumption is central to constructionist approaches to language which argue that language consists of constructions, learned pairings of a form and a function or meaning that are either frequent or have a meaning that cannot be predicted from its component parts… BERT’s training objectives give it access to a tremendous amount of lexico-semantic […]

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Generating Image Descriptions via Sequential Cross-Modal Alignment Guided by Human Gaze

When speakers describe an image, they tend to look at objects before mentioning them. In this paper, we investigate such sequential cross-modal alignment by modelling the image description generation process computationally… We take as our starting point a state-of-the-art image captioning system and develop several model variants that exploit information from human gaze patterns recorded during language production. In particular, we propose the first approach to image description generation where visual processing is modelled $textit{sequentially}$. Our experiments and analyses confirm […]

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Parameterized Explainer for Graph Neural Network

Despite recent progress in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), explaining predictions made by GNNs remains a challenging open problem. The leading method independently addresses the local explanations (i.e., important subgraph structure and node features) to interpret why a GNN model makes the prediction for a single instance, e.g. a node or a graph… As a result, the explanation generated is painstakingly customized for each instance. The unique explanation interpreting each instance independently is not sufficient to provide a global understanding of […]

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Prediction problems inspired by animal learning

We present three problems modeled after animal learning experiments designed to test online state construction or representation learning algorithms. Our test problems require the learning system to construct compact summaries of their past interaction with the world in order to predict the future, updating online and incrementally on each time step without an explicit training-testing split… The majority of recent work in Deep Reinforcement Learning focuses on either fully observable tasks, or games where stacking a handful of recent frames […]

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