A simple technique for unstructured mesh generation via adaptive finite elements

This work describes a concise algorithm for the generation of triangular meshes with the help of standard adaptive finite element methods. We demonstrate that a generic adaptive finite element solver can be repurposed into a triangular mesh generator if a robust mesh smoothing algorithm is applied between the mesh refinement steps… We present an implementation of the mesh generator and demonstrate the resulting meshes via several examples. (read more) PDF Abstract  

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DLBFoam: An open-source dynamic load balancing model for fast reacting flow simulations in OpenFOAM

Computational load imbalance due to direct integration of chemical kinetics is a well-known performance issue in parallel reacting flow simulations. We introduce an open-source dynamic load balancing model to address this problem within OpenFOAM, an open-source C++ library for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)… Due to the commonly applied operator splitting practice in reactive flow solvers, chemistry can be treated as an independent stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) system within each computational cell. As a result of highly non-linear characteristics of […]

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Mixing ADAM and SGD: a Combined Optimization Method

Optimization methods (optimizers) get special attention for the efficient training of neural networks in the field of deep learning. In literature there are many papers that compare neural models trained with the use of different optimizers… Each paper demonstrates that for a particular problem an optimizer is better than the others but as the problem changes this type of result is no longer valid and we have to start from scratch. In our paper we propose to use the combination […]

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Survey of Methods for Automated Code-Reuse Exploit Generation

This paper provides a survey of methods and tools for automated code-reuse exploit generation. Such exploits use code that is already contained in a vulnerable program… The code-reuse approach allows one to exploit vulnerabilities in the presence of operating system protection that prohibits data memory execution. This paper contains a description of various code-reuse methods: return-to-libc attack, return-oriented programming, jump-oriented programming, and others. We define fundamental terms: gadget, gadget frame, gadget catalog. Moreover, we show that, in fact, a gadget […]

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Electron evaporation from magnetic trap in “Troitsk nu-mass” experiment

This paper is dedicated to simulation of so-called trapping-effect observed in Troitsk nu-mass experiment. The effect is caused by magnetic trapping of decay electrons in the windowless gaseous tritium source and the gradual of evaporation of those electrons… As a result, alongside regular tritium beta-spectrum electrons, we see additional electrons that are initially trapped in the source and escape it with changed energy. The spectrum of evaporated electrons is quite peculiar and could not be directly measured in the experiment. […]

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RCHOL: Randomized Cholesky Factorization for Solving SDD Linear Systems

We introduce a randomized algorithm, namely {tt rchol}, to construct an approximate Cholesky factorization for a given sparse Laplacian matrix (a.k.a., graph Laplacian). The (exact) Cholesky factorization for the matrix introduces a clique in the associated graph after eliminating every row/column… By randomization, {tt rchol} samples a subset of the edges in the clique. We prove {tt rchol} is breakdown free and apply it to solving linear systems with symmetric diagonally-dominant matrices. In addition, we parallelize {tt rchol} based on […]

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Multi-layered tensor networks for image classification

The recently introduced locally orderless tensor network (LoTeNet) for supervised image classification uses matrix product state (MPS) operations on grids of transformed image patches. The resulting patch representations are combined back together into the image space and aggregated hierarchically using multiple MPS blocks per layer to obtain the final decision rules… In this work, we propose a non-patch based modification to LoTeNet that performs one MPS operation per layer, instead of several patch-level operations. The spatial information in the input […]

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Efficient Subspace Search in Data Streams

In the real world, data streams are ubiquitous — think of network traffic or sensor data. Mining patterns, e.g., outliers or clusters, from such data must take place in real time… This is challenging because (1) streams often have high dimensionality, and (2) the data characteristics may change over time. Existing approaches tend to focus on only one aspect, either high dimensionality or the specifics of the streaming setting. For static data, a common approach to deal with high dimensionality […]

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Investigating Learning in Deep Neural Networks using Layer-Wise Weight Change

Understanding the per-layer learning dynamics of deep neural networks is of significant interest as it may provide insights into how neural networks learn and the potential for better training regimens. We investigate learning in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) by measuring the relative weight change of layers while training… Several interesting trends emerge in a variety of CNN architectures across various computer vision classification tasks, including the overall increase in relative weight change of later layers as compared to earlier […]

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Automatic segmentation with detection of local segmentation failures in cardiac MRI

Segmentation of cardiac anatomical structures in cardiac magnetic resonance images (CMRI) is a prerequisite for automatic diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases. To increase robustness and performance of segmentation methods this study combines automatic segmentation and assessment of segmentation uncertainty in CMRI to detect image regions containing local segmentation failures… Three state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks (CNN) were trained to automatically segment cardiac anatomical structures and obtain two measures of predictive uncertainty: entropy and a measure derived by MC-dropout. Thereafter, using […]

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