Self-Supervised Small Soccer Player Detection and Tracking

In a soccer game, the information provided by detecting and tracking brings crucial clues to further analyze and understand some tactical aspects of the game, including individual and team actions. State-of-the-art tracking algorithms achieve impressive results in scenarios on which they have been trained for, but they fail in challenging ones such as soccer games… This is frequently due to the player small relative size and the similar appearance among players of the same team. Although a straightforward solution would […]

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Deep Multi-Frame MVDR Filtering for Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement

Multi-frame algorithms for single-microphone speech enhancement, e.g., the multi-frame minimum variance distortionless response (MFMVDR) filter, are able to exploit speech correlation across adjacent time frames in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. Provided that accurate estimates of the required speech interframe correlation vector and the noise correlation matrix are available, it has been shown that the MFMVDR filter yields a substantial noise reduction while hardly introducing any speech distortion… Aiming at merging the speech enhancement potential of the MFMVDR filter […]

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Assessing out-of-domain generalization for robust building damage detection

An important step for limiting the negative impact of natural disasters is rapid damage assessment after a disaster occurred. For instance, building damage detection can be automated by applying computer vision techniques to satellite imagery… Such models operate in a multi-domain setting: every disaster is inherently different (new geolocation, unique circumstances), and models must be robust to a shift in distribution between disaster imagery available for training and the images of the new event. Accordingly, estimating real-world performance requires an […]

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Finding the Homology of Decision Boundaries with Active Learning

Accurately and efficiently characterizing the decision boundary of classifiers is important for problems related to model selection and meta-learning. Inspired by topological data analysis, the characterization of decision boundaries using their homology has recently emerged as a general and powerful tool… In this paper, we propose an active learning algorithm to recover the homology of decision boundaries. Our algorithm sequentially and adaptively selects which samples it requires the labels of. We theoretically analyze the proposed framework and show that the […]

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FinRL: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Library for Automated Stock Trading in Quantitative Finance

As deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been recognized as an effective approach in quantitative finance, getting hands-on experiences is attractive to beginners. However, to train a practical DRL trading agent that decides where to trade, at what price, and what quantity involves error-prone and arduous development and debugging… In this paper, we introduce a DRL library FinRL that facilitates beginners to expose themselves to quantitative finance and to develop their own stock trading strategies. Along with easily-reproducible tutorials, FinRL library […]

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DiffusionNet: Accelerating the solution of Time-Dependent partial differential equations using deep learning

We present our deep learning framework to solve and accelerate the Time-Dependent partial differential equation’s solution of one and two spatial dimensions. We demonstrate DiffusionNet solver by solving the 2D transient heat conduction problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions… The model is trained on solution data calculated using the Alternating direction implicit method. We show the model’s ability to predict the solution from any combination of seven variables: the starting time step of the solution, initial condition, four boundary conditions, and […]

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Unmixing Convolutional Features for Crisp Edge Detection

This paper presents a context-aware tracing strategy (CATS) for crisp edge detection with deep edge detectors, based on an observation that the localization ambiguity of deep edge detectors is mainly caused by the mixing phenomenon of convolutional neural networks: feature mixing in edge classification and side mixing during fusing side predictions. The CATS consists of two modules: a novel tracing loss that performs feature unmixing by tracing boundaries for better side edge learning, and a context-aware fusion block that tackles […]

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Scalable Graph Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Graphs

Graph neural networks (GNNs) are a popular class of parametric model for learning over graph-structured data. Recent work has argued that GNNs primarily use the graph for feature smoothing, and have shown competitive results on benchmark tasks by simply operating on graph-smoothed node features, rather than using end-to-end learned feature hierarchies that are challenging to scale to large graphs… In this work, we ask whether these results can be extended to heterogeneous graphs, which encode multiple types of relationship between […]

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KD3A: Unsupervised Multi-Source Decentralized Domain Adaptation via Knowledge Distillation

Conventional unsupervised multi-source domain adaptation(UMDA) methods assume all source domains can be accessed directly. This neglects the privacy-preserving policy, that is,all the data and computations must be kept decentralized.There exists three problems in this scenario: (1)Minimizing the domain distance requires the pairwise calculation of the data from source and target domains, which is not accessible… (2)The communication cost and privacy security limit the application of UMDA methods (e.g.,the domain adversarial training). (3)Since users have no authority to checkthe data quality, […]

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Deep Multi-view Depth Estimation with Predicted Uncertainty

In this paper, we address the problem of estimating dense depth from a sequence of images using deep neural networks. Specifically, we employ a dense-optical-flow network to compute correspondences and then triangulate the point cloud to obtain an initial depth map… Parts of the point cloud, however, may be less accurate than others due to lack of common observations or small baseline-to-depth ratio. To further increase the triangulation accuracy, we introduce a depth-refinement network (DRN) that optimizes the initial depth […]

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