Task-Agnostic Amortized Inference of Gaussian Process Hyperparameters

Gaussian processes (GPs) are flexible priors for modeling functions. However, their success depends on the kernel accurately reflecting the properties of the data… One of the appeals of the GP framework is that the marginal likelihood of the kernel hyperparameters is often available in closed form, enabling optimization and sampling procedures to fit these hyperparameters to data. Unfortunately, point-wise evaluation of the marginal likelihood is expensive due to the need to solve a linear system; searching or sampling the space […]

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Adversarial machine learning and instrumental variables for flexible causal modeling

We are going through a new shift in machine learning (ML), where ML models are increasingly being used to automate decision-making in a multitude of domains: what personalized treatment should be administered to a patient, what discount should be offered to an online customer, and other important decisions that can greatly impact people’s lives. The machine learning revolution was primarily driven by problems that are distant from such decision-making scenarios. The first scenarios include predicting what an image depicts, predicting […]

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A Python Code to Determine Orbital Parameters of Spectroscopic Binaries

We present the open source Python code BinaryStarSolver that solves for the orbital elements of a spectroscopic binary system. Given a time-series of radial velocity measurements, six orbital parameters are determined: the long-term mean, or systemic, radial velocity, the velocity amplitude, the argument of periastron, the eccentricity, the epoch of periastron, and the orbital period referred to by ${{gamma, K, omega, e, T_0, P}}$ respectively… Also returned to the user is the projected length of the semi-major axis, $a_{1}sin(i)$, and […]

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Efficient Scene Compression for Visual-based Localization

Estimating the pose of a camera with respect to a 3D reconstruction or scene representation is a crucial step for many mixed reality and robotics applications. Given the vast amount of available data nowadays, many applications constrain storage and/or bandwidth to work efficiently… To satisfy these constraints, many applications compress a scene representation by reducing its number of 3D points. While state-of-the-art methods use $K$-cover-based algorithms to compress a scene, they are slow and hard to tune. To enhance speed […]

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Fast and Complete: Enabling Complete Neural Network Verification with Rapid and Massively Parallel Incomplete Verifiers

Formal verification of neural networks (NNs) is a challenging and important problem. Existing efficient complete solvers typically require the branch-and-bound (BaB) process, which splits the problem domain into sub-domains and solves each sub-domain using faster but weaker incomplete verifiers, such as Linear Programming (LP) on linearly relaxed sub-domains… In this paper, we propose to use the backward mode linear relaxation based perturbation analysis (LiRPA) to replace LP during the BaB process, which can be efficiently implemented on the typical machine […]

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Point and Ask: Incorporating Pointing into Visual Question Answering

Visual Question Answering (VQA) has become one of the key benchmarks of visual recognition progress. Multiple VQA extensions have been explored to better simulate real-world settings: different question formulations, changing training and test distributions, conversational consistency in dialogues, and explanation-based answering… In this work, we further expand this space by considering visual questions that include a spatial point of reference. Pointing is a nearly universal gesture among humans, and real-world VQA is likely to involve a gesture towards the target […]

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Efficient Information Diffusion in Time-Varying Graphs through Deep Reinforcement Learning

Network seeding for efficient information diffusion over time-varying graphs~(TVGs) is a challenging task with many real-world applications. There are several ways to model this spatio-temporal influence maximization problem, but the ultimate goal is to determine the best moment for a node to start the diffusion process… In this context, we propose Spatio-Temporal Influence Maximization~(STIM), a model trained with Reinforcement Learning and Graph Embedding over a set of artificial TVGs that is capable of learning the temporal behavior and connectivity pattern […]

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Generalized Pose-and-Scale Estimation using 4-Point Congruence Constraints

We present gP4Pc, a new method for computing the absolute pose of a generalized camera with unknown internal scale from four corresponding 3D point-and-ray pairs. Unlike most pose-and-scale methods, gP4Pc is based on constraints arising from the congruence of shapes defined by two sets of four points related by an unknown similarity transformation… By choosing a novel parametrization for the problem, we derive a system of four quadratic equations in four scalar variables. The variables represent the distances of 3D […]

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Domain Adaptative Causality Encoder

Current approaches which are mainly based on the extraction of low-level relations among individual events are limited by the shortage of publicly available labelled data. Therefore, the resulting models perform poorly when applied to a distributionally different domain for which labelled data did not exist at the time of training… To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we leverage the characteristics of dependency trees and adversarial learning to address the tasks of adaptive causality identification and localisation. The term adaptive […]

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Self-Supervised Time Series Representation Learning by Inter-Intra Relational Reasoning

Self-supervised learning achieves superior performance in many domains by extracting useful representations from the unlabeled data. However, most of traditional self-supervised methods mainly focus on exploring the inter-sample structure while less efforts have been concentrated on the underlying intra-temporal structure, which is important for time series data… In this paper, we present SelfTime: a general self-supervised time series representation learning framework, by exploring the inter-sample relation and intra-temporal relation of time series to learn the underlying structure feature on the […]

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