Visualization for Function Optimization in Python

Function optimization involves finding the input that results in the optimal value from an objective function. Optimization algorithms navigate the search space of input variables in order to locate the optima, and both the shape of the objective function and behavior of the algorithm in the search space are opaque on real-world problems. As such, it is common to study optimization algorithms using simple low-dimensional functions that can be easily visualized directly. Additionally, the samples in the input space of […]

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ACL 2018 Highlights: Understanding Representations and Evaluation in More Challenging Settings

This post discusses highlights of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018). This post originally appeared at the AYLIEN blog. I attended the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018) in Melbourne, Australia from July 15-20, 2018 and presented three papers . It is foolhardy to try to condense an entire conference into one topic; however, in retrospect, certain themes appear particularly pronounced. In 2015 and 2016, NLP conferences were dominated […]

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How to Randomly Select Elements From a List in Python

Introduction Selecting a random element or value from a list is a common task – be it for randomized result from a list of recommendations or just a random prompt. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to randomly select elements from a list in Python. We’ll cover the retrieval of both singular random elements, as well as retrieving multiple elements – with and without repetition. Selecting a Random Element From Python List The most intuitive and natural […]

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Introduction to Data Visualization in Python with Pandas

Introduction People can rarely look at a raw data and immediately deduce a data-oriented observation like: People in stores tend to buy diapers and beer in conjunction! Or even if you as a data scientist can indeed sight read raw data, your investor or boss most likely can’t. In order for us to properly analyze our data, we need to represent it in a tangible, comprehensive way. Which is exactly why we use data visualization! The pandas library offers a […]

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VinVL: Advancing the state of the art for vision-language models

Humans understand the world by perceiving and fusing information from multiple channels, such as images viewed by the eyes, voices heard by the ears, and other forms of sensory input. One of the core aspirations in AI is to develop algorithms that endow computers with a similar ability: to effectively learn from multimodal data like vision-language to make sense of the world around us. For example, vision-language (VL) systems allow searching the relevant images for a text query (or vice […]

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Issue #113 – Optimising Transformer for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation

14 Jan21 Issue #113 – Optimising Transformer for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation Author: Dr. Jingyi Han, Machine Translation Scientist @ Iconic Introduction The lack of parallel training data has always been a big challenge when building neural machine translation (NMT) systems. Most approaches address the low-resource issue in NMT by exploiting more parallel or comparable corpora. Recently, several studies show that instead of adding more data, optimising NMT systems could also be helpful to improve translation quality for low-resource language […]

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Emotion classification on Twitter Data Using Transformers

Introduction The world of Natural language processing is recently overtaken by the invention of Transformers. Transformers are entirely indifferent to the conventional sequence-based networks. RNNs are the initial weapon used for sequence-based tasks like text generation, text classification, etc. But with the arrival of LSTM and GRU cells, the issue with capturing long-term dependency in the text got resolved. But learning the model with LSTM cells is a hard task as we cannot make it learn parallelly.

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3 Books on Optimization for Machine Learning

Optimization is a field of mathematics concerned with finding a good or best solution among many candidates. It is an important foundational topic required in machine learning as most machine learning algorithms are fit on historical data using an optimization algorithm. Additionally, broader problems, such as model selection and hyperparameter tuning, can also be framed as an optimization problem. Although having some background in optimization is critical for machine learning practitioners, it can be a daunting topic given that it […]

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Code Adam Gradient Descent Optimization From Scratch

Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that follows the negative gradient of an objective function in order to locate the minimum of the function. A limitation of gradient descent is that a single step size (learning rate) is used for all input variables. Extensions to gradient descent like AdaGrad and RMSProp update the algorithm to use a separate step size for each input variable but may result in a step size that rapidly decreases to very small values. The Adaptive […]

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Learning to Segment Rigid Motions from Two Frames

Appearance-based detectors achieve remarkable performance on common scenes, but tend to fail for scenarios lack of training data. Geometric motion segmentation algorithms, however, generalize to novel scenes, but have yet to achieve comparable performance to appearance-based ones, due to noisy motion estimations and degenerate motion configurations… To combine the best of both worlds, we propose a modular network, whose architecture is motivated by a geometric analysis of what independent object motions can be recovered from an egomotion field. It takes […]

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