Simple Genetic Algorithm From Scratch in Python

The genetic algorithm is a stochastic global optimization algorithm. It may be one of the most popular and widely known biologically inspired algorithms, along with artificial neural networks. The algorithm is a type of evolutionary algorithm and performs an optimization procedure inspired by the biological theory of evolution by means of natural selection with a binary representation and simple operators based on genetic recombination and genetic mutations. In this tutorial, you will discover the genetic algorithm optimization algorithm. After completing […]

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How to Update Neural Network Models With More Data

Deep learning neural network models used for predictive modeling may need to be updated. This may be because the data has changed since the model was developed and deployed, or it may be the case that additional labeled data has been made available since the model was developed and it is expected that the additional data will improve the performance of the model. It is important to experiment and evaluate with a range of different approaches when updating neural network […]

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Quick Guide to AI and ML Universe for Business Leaders

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Ever since the advent of Globalisation, the environment in which a business operates is constantly changing. An important component of the business environment is the technological environment. Technology, also, as we all know is constantly changing, updating with new trends coming in every day. Thus, it becomes imperative for businesses to understand and keep up with the technology trends to survive in the market. One thing that […]

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Issue #120 – Interactive Neural Machine Translation

04 Mar21 Issue #120 – Interactive Neural Machine Translation Author: Dr. Patrik Lambert, Senior Machine Translation Scientist @ Iconic Introduction Despite the great quality improvements achieved recently by machine translation (MT) technology thanks to neural systems, it is still not error-free. To achieve a controlled quality, the output of a machine translation engine must be corrected by a human agent in a post-editing phase. Today we take a look at a paper from Peris et al. (2017) (publisher version, non-final […]

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Python: Check if Variable is a List

Introduction Python is a dynamically typed language, and the variable data types are inferred without explicit intervention by the developer. If we had code that needed a list but lacked type hints, which are optional, how can we avoid errors if the variable used is not a list? In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to check if a variable is a list in Python, using the type() and isinstance() functions, as well as the is operator: Developers […]

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Python: Check if Variable is a String

Introduction Python is a dynamically typed language, and the variable data types are inferred without explicit intervention by the developer. If we had code that requires a string to work correctly but lacked type hints, which are optional, how can we avoid errors if the variable used is not a string? In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to check if a variable is a string in Python, using the type() and isinstance() functions, as well as the […]

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Seaborn Line Plot – Tutorial and Examples

Introduction Seaborn is one of the most widely used data visualization libraries in Python, as an extension to Matplotlib. It offers a simple, intuitive, yet highly customizable API for data visualization. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to plot a Line Plot in Seaborn – one of the most basic types of plots. Line Plots display numerical values on one axis, and categorical values on the other. They can typically be used in much the same way […]

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New Features: Article Bookmarks, Completion Status, and Search Improvements

With close to 2,000 Python tutorials and video lessons in the Real Python content library, it was getting harder and harder for learners to find the right resources at the right time. To fix that, we’ve just launched out several new features to help you easily find and review the learning resources you’re looking for. Here’s what’s new: Article Completion Status and Bookmarks Just like with courses and course lessons, you can now bookmark written tutorials and mark them as […]

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Navigating Namespaces and Scope in Python

In a program of any complexity, you’ll create hundreds or thousands of names, each pointing to a specific object. How does Python keep track of all these names so that they don’t interfere with one another? This course covers Python namespaces, the structures used to organize the symbolic names assigned to objects in a Python program. In this course, you’ll learn: How Python organizes symbolic names and objects in namespaces When Python creates a new namespace How namespaces are implemented […]

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Beginners Guide to Regular Expressions in Natural Language Processing

Introduction Regular Expressions is very popular among programmers and can be applied in many programming languages like Java, JS, php, C++, etc. Regular Expressions are useful for numerous practical day-to-day tasks that a data scientist encounters. It is one of the key concepts of Natural Language Processing that every NLP expert should be proficient in. Regular Expressions are used in various tasks such as data pre-processing, rule-based information mining systems, pattern matching, text feature engineering, web scraping, data extraction, etc. […]

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