Computational Methods for Physics & Astronomy

ComputationalMethods Computational Methods Course at UdeA. by: Sebastian Bustamante 2014/2015 Diego Restrepo ** 2017/… This course is intended for students of Astronomy and Physics at the Universidad de Antioquia and will cover some numerical methods commonly used in science and specially in astronomy. These topics will be addressed from a formal context but also keeping a practical and computational approach, illustrating many useful applications in problems of physics and astronomy. The practical component will be almost entirely developed in Python […]

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Visualisation for sorting algorithms

A-List-of-Sorts-v2 Visualisation for sorting algorithms v2. Upped a notch from version 1. This program provides animates simple, common and popular sorting algorithms, to allow people to learn more about these algorithms and how the work. The source code also provides a great example for object orented programming with pygame. Sorting Algorithms: Bubble sort Insertion sort Merge sort Quick sort Radix sort Bogo sort Depencencies: Manual install: pip3 install pyyaml pygame To run to the program: For macos/linux: run file […]

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Testbed of AI Systems Quality Management

qunomon A testbed for testing and managing AI system qualities. Requirement Installation prerequisites Support os is Windows10 Pro and macOS. Windows10 Pro 1909 later macOS v10.15 later Installation Usage 1.launch Execute the following command as root of this repository. docker-compose up 2.access web browser Development for windows Installation 1.PackageManager Launch powershell with administrator permission. powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’)) 2.Python Setup python virtual environment for Backend 1.go to the source you checked out and create […]

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Python application that can be used to generate video thumbnail for mp4

Thumbnail Generator This is a Python application that can be used to generate video thumbnail for mp4 and mkv file types. Installation You can use pip: ~$ pip3 install thumb-gen Configurations (These may change during the update) The number of screen images that should be included in the final thumbnail image Thumbnail image quality Font type in the video info panel. You can add a file path of a font file (.ttf) to this Font size in the video info […]

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Issue #123 – Integrating dictionaries to improve Neural MT

25 Mar21 Issue #123 – Integrating dictionaries to improve Neural MT Author: Dr. Jingyi Han, Machine Translation Scientist @ Iconic Introduction How to integrate external knowledge into Neural Machine Translation (NMT) properly has always been an attractive topic for both industrial practice and academic research. It can be very useful for domain adaptation and human references integration. There have been some approaches that try to incorporate bilingual dictionaries into NMT: Qi et al. (2018) and Hamalainen and Alnajjar (2019) extended […]

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How to Print Colored Text in Python

Introduction It’s typical for CLI apps to return text in the same color of the terminal. There are always cases when we want to highlight output to the user, for example, a warning or error message. In those cases, a dash of color could make a difference. This article shows you how to print colored output in the terminal in Python with and without libraries. ANSI Escape Sequences Your Teletypewriter (TTY), or rather your terminal, is not only capable of […]

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Parse Datetime Strings with parsedatetime in Python

Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to parse Datetime with parsedatetime in Python. To use the parsedatetime package we first need to install it using pip: $ pip install parsedatetime Should pip install parsedatetime fail, the package is also opensource available on Github. Convert String to Python’s Datetime Object with parsedatetime The first, and most common way to use parsedatetime is to parse a string into a datetime object. First, you’ll want to import the parsedatetime […]

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Python Community Interview With Dane Hillard

Today I’m joined by Dane Hillard, lead web application developer at ITHAKA and author of Practices of the Python Pro. Dane is also a Real Python tutorial author. In this interview, we discuss a variety of topics, including code complexity, Python package maintenance, and popcorn. So without further ado, let’s welcome Dane. Ricky: Thanks for joining me for this interview, Dane. I’d like to start in the same manner we do with all our guests: how did you get into programming, […]

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Parts of Speech Tag and Dependency Grammer

Objective Parts of speech tagging and dependency parsing are widely used techniques in text processing. Understand parts of speech tags and grammars with their respective use cases in Natural language processing Introduction Natural language processing is a branch of machine learning that deals with how machines understand human languages. Text data is a widely available problem domain for NLP tasks. In order to work with text data, it is important to transform the raw text into a form that can […]

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Elvis’s Blog

Hi, It’s Elvis here! I regularly talk, write, and tweet about data science and machine learning related topics. However, there are other interests that I would love to share through this blog including tips on writing, presenting, researching, coding, learning, etc. Specific interests range from linguistics to education to product design. I work and collaborate on a lot of different projects involving different types of technologies. I would love to share more of that in this new blog. If you […]

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