Issue #132 – Tokenization strategies for Korean MT tasks

27 May21 Issue #132 – Tokenization strategies for Korean MT tasks in Model improvement, The Neural MT Weekly Author: Dr. Jingyi Han, Machine Translation Scientist @ Iconic Introduction Asian languages have always been challenging for machine translation (MT) tasks due to their completely different grammar and writing system. As we know, there are specific segmenters for Chinese and Japanese as there is no space between words in these languages. With regards to Korean, even though the words are separated by […]

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A simple Python Module for sending cross-platform desktop notifications Cross platform desktop notifications for Python scripts and applications. Supported Platforms. Windows 10 macOS 10 >=10.10 Linux (libnotify) No dependencies are required other than loguru & jeepney (Only for linux/DBUS). Install pip install notify-py Usage Send Simple Notification from notifypy import Notify notification = Notify() notification.title = “Cool Title” notification.message = “Even cooler message.” notification.send() Send Notification With Icon from notifypy import Notify notification = Notify() notification.title = “Cool Title” notification.message = “Even cooler message.” notification.icon = “path/to/icon.png” notification.send() […]

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A performant type checker for Python compliant with PEP 484

Pyre Pyre is a performant type checker for Python compliant with PEP 484. Pyre can analyze codebases with millions of lines of code incrementally – providing instantaneous feedback to developers as they write code. Pyre ships with Pysa, a security focused static analysis tool we’ve built on top of Pyre that reasons about data flows in Python applications. Requirements To get started, you need Python 3.6 or later and watchman working on your system. On MacOS you can get everything […]

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A Python module and command line tool for working with Fortran namelists

f90nml A Python module and command line tool for parsing Fortran namelist files. f90nml is a Python module and command line tool that provides a simple interface for the reading, writing, and modifying Fortran namelist files. A namelist file is parsed and converted into an Namelist object, which behaves like a standard Python dict. Values are converted from Fortran data types to equivalent primitive Python types. The command line tool f90nml can be used to modify individual values inside of […]

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A simple python code example using MongoDB

Python with MongoDB A simple password manager I typed with python using MongoDB . How do i run this code • First of all you need to have a python on your computer. If you don’t have python on your computer, download it here • After downloading, you need to open a new terminal in the folder and type. pip install -r requirements.txt • After filling the config.json file, you can open the file named start.bat and start the script. […]

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Program for analyzing shadows from Cassini images

Ring moons of Saturn This packages/program was created for my bachelor’s thesis for the Astronomy department at University of Oulu, Finland It consists of a reader for Vicar Image files and a viewer for analyzing images. The purpose is to extract shadow data from the images and analyze shadow contrast. Info Needs Cassini mission kernels to provide mission data Not here since uncompressed 37Gb or compressed 16Gb Uses NASA NAIF Spice which is used throughSpiceyPy wrapper Parses VICAR2 file format. […]

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A simple renderer for OpenStreetMap with python

Roentgen The idea behind Röntgen project is to have a possibility to display any map feature represented by OpenStreetMap data tags by means of colors, shapes, and icons. Röntgen is primarily created for OpenStreetMap contributors. Suppose, you spent time adding colors for building walls, benches and shelters for bus stops but they are not represented on the standard tile layer. Röntgen helps to display all changes you made. Nevertheless, Röntgen map generator can generate precise but messy maps for OSM […]

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An API wrapper for Discord written in Python A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using async and await. Proper rate limit handling. 100% coverage of the supported Discord API. Optimised in both speed and memory. Installing Python 3.5.3 or higher is required To install the library without full voice support, you can just run the following command: # Linux/macOS python3 -m pip install -U # Windows py -3 -m pip install […]

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A tool of choice for bootstrapping high quality Python packages

PyScaffold PyScaffold is the tool of choice for bootstrapping high quality Python packages, ready to be shared on PyPI and installable via pip. It is easy to use and encourages the adoption of the best tools and practices of the Python ecosystem, helping you and your team to stay sane, happy and productive. The best part? It is stable and has been used by thousands of developers for over half a decade! Checkout out this demo project, which was set […]

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A Python interface to create battling pokemon agents

The pokemon showdown Python environment A Python interface to create battling pokemon agents. poke-env offers an easy-to-use interface for creating rule-based or training Reinforcement Learning bots to battle on pokemon showdown. Agents are instance of python classes inheriting from Player. Here is what your first agent could look like: class YourFirstAgent(Player): def choose_move(self, battle): for move in battle.available_moves: if move.base_power > 90: # A powerful move! Let’s use it return self.create_order(move) # No available move? Let’s switch then! for switch […]

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