A service for quick deploying and using dockerized Computer Vision models

Inferoxy Inferoxy is a service for quick deploying and using dockerized Computer Vision models. It’s a core of EORA’s Computer Vision platform Vision Hub that runs on top of AWS EKS. Why use it? You should use it if: You want to simplify deploying Computer Vision models with an appropriate Data Science stack to production:all you need to do is to build a Docker imagewith your model including any pre- and post-processing steps and push it into an accessible registry […]

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A PyTorch Lightning solution to training CLIP from scratch

train-CLIP A PyTorch Lightning solution to training CLIP from scratch. Usage 🚂 This training setup is easily usable right outside the box! Simply provide a training directory or your own dataset and we’ve got the rest covered. To train a model just specify a name from the paper name and tell us your training folder and batch size. All possible models can be seen in the yaml files in models/config python train.py –model_name RN50 –folder data_dir –batchsize 512 Training with […]

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An open protocol for secure real-time exchange of large datasets

Delta Sharing Delta Sharing is an open protocol for secure real-time exchange of large datasets, which enables organizations to share data in real time regardless of which computing platforms they use. It is a simple REST protocol that securely shares access to part of a cloud dataset and leverages modern cloud storage systems, such as S3, ADLS, or GCS, to reliably transfer data. With Delta Sharing, a user accessing shared data can directly connect to it through pandas, Tableau, Apache […]

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An in-progress web scraping project built with Python

New to Streaming Scraper An in-progress web scraping project built with Python, R, and SQL. A web scraping project that retrieves TV and movie data from two sources, then transforms and stores data in a MySQL database. Data are retrieved from two different data sources: What’s on Netflix (WON) and Rotten Tomatoes (RT). RT data are cleaned and transformed with Python, while WON data are cleaned and transformed with R. All data are piped into a MySQL database, then retrieved […]

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8-piece command-line puzzle game Written in python

Eight Puzzle CLI 8-piece command-line puzzle game developed for the Artificial Intelligence discipline. Written in python, this project aims to apply the studied concepts and implement a simple intelligent agent that can solve the game. Project execution Dependencies Execution Automatic agents Two automatic agents are implemented that use two “brute force” search algorithms: Breadth-first Search Algorithm – BFS Width search, graph/tree search algorithm where the exploration of all neighboring vertices is prioritized before traversing to the next depth, until a […]

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Correct python indentation in Visual Studio Code

Python Indent Correct python indentation in Visual Studio Code. See the extension on the VSCode Marketplace and its source code on GitHub. How it works Every time you press the Enter key in a python context, this extension will parse your python file up to the location of your cursor, and determine exactly how much the next line (or two in the case of hanging indents) should be indented and how much nearby lines should be un-indented. There are three […]

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A Python package that provides bioinformatics utilities for analyzing omics datasets

PyIOmica (pyiomica) This repository contains PyIOmica, a Python package that provides bioinformatics utilities for analyzing (dynamic) omics datasets. PyIOmica extends MathIOmica usage to Python and implements new visualizations and computational tools for graph analyses. A. INSTALLATION Pre-Installation Requirements To install PyIOmica on any platform you need Python version 3.7 or higher Installation Instructions To install the current release from PyPI (Python Package Index) use pip: pip install pyiomica Alternatively, you can install directly from github using: pip install git+https://github.com/gmiaslab/pyiomica/ or […]

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A simple Raytracer written in pure Python

Sombra Sombra is simple Raytracer written in pure Python. It’s main purpose is to help understand how raytracing works with a clean code. If you are looking for an efficient Raytracer you should probably use something like C++. The equations used are taken from the Image Synthesis class at Texas A&M University taught by professor Ergun Akleman. The main program creates a raytraced image of a scene with simple objects like spheres and planes. It’s using a resolution of 280x192px […]

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A GUI for identifying visages in an image

Visage Differentiation Visage Differentiation is a GUI application for outlining and labeling the visages in an image. The main functionality is provided by the tkinter and face-recognition Python modules. Images Usage Select a path to a directory containing images of known visages to be used in identifying unknown visages. The filenames are used as labels for identified visages. Select a path to an image containing visages to identify. Click the “Identify Visages” button. GitHub https://github.com/grantranda/visage-differentiation    

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Algorithm for Cutting Stock Problem using Google OR-Tools

Cutting Stock Problem Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) deals with planning the cutting of items (rods / sheets) from given stock items (which are usually of fixed size). Quick Usage This is how CSP Tools looks in action. Click CSP Tool to use it Libraries Quick Start Install Pipenv, if not already installed $ pip3 install –user pipenv Clone this project and install packages $ git clone https://github.com/emadehsan/csp $ cd csp $ pipenv install # activate env $ pipenv shell Run […]

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