A Python library used to hide and transfer your payload using DNS

DNSStager DNSStager is an open-source project based on Python used to hide and transfer your payload using DNS. DNSStager will create a malicious DNS server that handles DNS requests to your domain and return your payload as a response to specific record requests such as AAAA or TXT records after splitting it into chunks and encoding the payload using different algorithms. DNSStager can generate a custom agent written in C or GoLang that will resolve a sequence of domains, retrieve […]

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A Text User Interface framework for Python using Rich as a renderer

Textual Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer. The end goal is to be able to rapidly create rich terminal applications that look as good as possible (within the restrictions imposed by a terminal emulator). Rich TUI will integrate tightly with its parent project, Rich. Any of the existing renderables can be used in a more dynamic application. This project is currently a work in progress and may not be usable for […]

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Sign data using symmetric-key algorithm encryption

ska Lets you easily sign data, using symmetric-key algorithm encryption. Allows you to validate signed data and identify possible validation errors. Uses sha-(1, 224, 256, 385 and 512)/hmac for signature encryption. Allows to use custom hash algorithms. Comes with shortcut functions for signing (and validating) dictionaries and URLs. Key concepts Hosts, that communicate with each other, share the Secret Key, which is used to sign data (requests). Secret key is never sent around. One of the cases is signing of […]

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A part of HyRiver software stack for accessing hydrology data through web services

PyGeoHydro A part of HyRiver software stack for accessing hydrology data through web services Features PyGeoHydro is a part of HyRiver software stack that is designed to aid in watershed analysis through web services. This package provides access to some of the public web services that offer geospatial hydrology data. It has three main modules: pygeohydro, plot, and helpers. The pygeohydro module can pull data from the following web services: NWIS for daily mean streamflow observations, NID for accessing the […]

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Platform for materials scientists to contribute

MPContribs MPContribs enables materials researchers to contribute experimental and theoretical materials data to Materials Project (MP). Data on MPContribs is collectively maintained as annotations to existing MP materials and automatically exposed to over 130,000 MP users. MPContribs disseminates contributions as preview cards on MP’s materials details pages, in form of domain-specific interactive landing pages on its portal, and programmatically through its API. MPContribs deployments dedicated to datasets for Machine Learning and from DOE Light Sources are currently being built up. […]

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A library to generate HTML with python 3

domonic domonic is a library to generate HTML with python 3. There’s an evolving DOM API and some other cool features. Can be used as a fast prototyping tool. Contains several evolving packages: (but by no means are any of them complete) β€’ html : Generate html with python 3 😎 β€’ dom : DOM API in python 3 😲 β€’ javascript : js API in python 3 😳 β€’ terminal : call terminal commands with python3 😱 (see at […]

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Random dataframe and database table generator

Random database/dataframe generator Often, beginners in SQL or data science struggle with the matter of easy access to a large sample database file (.DB or .sqlite) for practicing SQL commands. Would it not be great to have a simple tool or library to generate a large database with multiple tables, filled with data of one’s own choice? After all, databases break every now and then and it is safest to practice with a randomly generated one πŸ™‚ While it is […]

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A Freqtrade Framework & Strategy with python

MoniGoMani MoniGoMani aims to be more than just a conventional strategy, it’s a framework to “easily” find a profitable strategy configuration in any market! Without the need to do any programming. However, you will need to know some Technical Analysis and be able to pull your own conclusions from your test-results, this is not just an easy copy/paste. MGM (MoniGoMani) derives itself from other strategies by its use of something I called “weighted signals”. Each signal has its own weight […]

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A python functions for robotic motion planning and task and motion planning

pybullet-planning (previously ss-pybullet) A repository of PyBullet utility functions for robotic motion planning, manipulation planning, and task and motion planning (TAMP). This repository was originally developed for the PDDLStream (previously named STRIPStream) approach to TAMP. With the help of Yijiang Huang, a stable and documented fork of pybullet-planning named pybullet_planning is available through PyPI. However, new features will continue to be introduced first through pybullet-planning. Installation Install for macOS or Linux using: pybullet-planning is intended to have ongoing support for […]

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Issue #134 – A Targeted Attack on Black-Box Neural MT

10 Jun21 Issue #134 – A Targeted Attack on Black-Box Neural MT in Robustness, The Neural MT Weekly Author: Dr. Karin Sim, Machine Translation Scientist @ Iconic Introduction Last week we looked at how neural machine translation (NMT) systems are naturally susceptible to gender bias. In today’s blog post we look at the vulnerability of an NMT system to targeted attacks, which could result in unsolicited or harmful translations. Specifically we report on work by Xu et al., 2021, which […]

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