A tool for making a every day video if you take a picture of you everyday

Face-Every-Day-Maker-Studio This project is a tool for making a everyday video, which is timelapse video or slides video, of images but for face of a person, this if you take a picture of yourself everyday and you want to appreciate how you are getting old. In this readme file there’re the instructions for running the dev-working environment and the Motivation I made this repo to explain some of my students the basic concepts of git in practice, removing, and modifying […]

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Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Attention Free Transformer (AFT) layers

aft-pytorch Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Attention Free Transformer’s layers by Zhai, et al. [abs, pdf] from Apple Inc. Installation You can install aft-pytorch via pip: pip install aft-pytorch Usage You can import the AFT-Full or AFT-Simple layer (as described in the paper) from the package like so: AFTFull from aft_pytorch import AFTFull layer = AFTFull( max_seqlen=20, dim=512, hidden_dim=64 ) # a batch of sequences with 10 timesteps of length 512 each x = torch.rand(32, 10, 512) y = layer(x) # […]

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Simple, yet effective moderator bot for telegram

Samurai Telegram Bot Simple, yet effective moderator bot for telegram. With reports, logs, profanity filter and more :3 Personal bot, made for easy chat auto-moderation.Adds reporting functionality, profanity filtering (both english & russian languages are supported), logging system via private channel and much more!More of that, the bot code & functions can be easily extended and/or limited as you prefer. The code has NOT been polished and is provided “as is”. There are a lot of code that are redundant […]

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Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels

Suez Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels. Installation Install poetry poetry install poetry run ./suez Channel fee policy You can set channel fees by passing –base-fee and –fee-rate parameters. For example: poetry run ./suez –base-fee 1000 –fee-rate 200 You can override the channel fee policy by changing the FeePolicy class. Example implementation does the following: sets lower fee rate for channels with mostly local balance sets higher fee rate for channels with mostly remote balance sets medium […]

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Extract phrase in the given text that is used to express the sentiment

Extract phrase in the given text that is used to express the sentiment. Capturing sentiment in language is important in these times where decisions and reactions are created and updated in seconds. But, which words actually lead to the sentiment description? This project aims to solve this problem. Powered using Pytorch + hugggingface Try it out. git clone https://github.com/shahules786/twitter-emotions.git cd twitter-emotions sudo docker build –tag twitter-emotions:api . sudo docker run -p 9999:9999 -it twitter-emotions:api python twitteremotions/app.py Server will start running […]

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Language Translation with Transformer In Python!

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field at the convergence of artificial intelligence, and linguistics. The aim is to make the computers understand real-world language or natural language so that they can perform tasks like Question Answering, Language Translation, and many more. NLP has lots of applications in different fields. 1. NLP enables the recognition and prediction of diseases based on electronic health records. 2. It is used […]

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Efficient Vision Transformers with Dynamic Token Sparsification

DynamicViT This repository contains PyTorch implementation for DynamicViT. Created by Yongming Rao, Wenliang Zhao, Benlin Liu, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou, Cho-Jui Hsieh Model Zoo We provide our DynamicViT models pretrained on ImageNet: Usage Requirements torch>=1.7.0 torchvision>=0.8.1 timm==0.4.5 Data preparation: download and extract ImageNet images from http://image-net.org/. The directory structure should be │ILSVRC2012/ ├──train/ │ ├── n01440764 │ │ ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG │ │ ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG │ │ ├── …… │ ├── …… ├──val/ │ ├── n01440764 │ │ ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000293.JPEG │ […]

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A Python software implementation of the Intel 4004 processor

Pyntel4004 A Python software implementation of the Intel 4004 processor. General Information Two pass assembler using the original mnemonics, directives and comments syntax Monitor facility to step through code and examine registers, memory etc Design goals [ ] As much of the internals as possible should be carried out using binary arithmetic and operations. [ ] No 3rd party libraries to be used (i.e. pure Python). [ ] Build a fully-working i4004 opcode emulator. [ ] Build a fully-working assembler […]

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Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler with python

Cryptocurrency Exchange Feed Handler Handles multiple cryptocurrency exchange data feeds and returns normalized and standardized results to client registered callbacks for events like trades, book updates, ticker updates, etc. Utilizes websockets when possible, but can also poll data via REST endpoints if a websocket is not provided. Basic Usage Create a FeedHandler object and add subscriptions. For the various data channels that an exchange supports, you can supply callbacks for data events, or use provided backends (described below) to handle […]

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Upgrade pip packages and automate Python Dependency Management

pipupgrade The missing command for pip. Features Updates system packages and local packages. Discovers packages present within multiple Python Environments. Updates packages mentioned within a requirements.txt file (Also pins up-to-date versions if mentioned). Smart requirements.txt detector. Pipfile support. Detects semantic version to avoid updates that break changes. Also ensures to avoidchild dependencies that break changes. View Dependency Graph. Parallel updates (blazingly fast). Python 2.7+ and Python 3.4+ compatible. Also pip 9+, pip 10+, pip 18+ and pip 19.0.1+ compatible. Automate […]

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