Python Practice Problems: Parsing CSV Files

Day,MxT,MnT,AvT,AvDP,1HrP TPcpn,PDir,AvSp,Dir,MxS,SkyC,MxR,Mn,R AvSLP 1,88,59,74,53.8,0,280,9.6,270,17,1.6,93,23,1004.5 2,79,63,71,46.5,0,330,8.7,340,23,3.3,70,28,1004.5 3,77,55,66,39.6,0,350,5,350,9,2.8,59,24,1016.8 4,77,59,68,51.1,0,110,9.1,130,12,8.6,62,40,1021.1 5,90,66,78,68.3,0,220,8.3,260,12,6.9,84,55,1014.4 6,81,61,71,63.7,0,30,6.2,30,13,9.7,93,60,1012.7 7,73,57,65,53,0,50,9.5,50,17,5.3,90,48,1021.8 8,75,54,65,50,0,160,4.2,150,10,2.6,93,41,1026.3 9,86,32,59,61.5,0,240,7.6,220,12,6,78,46,1018.6 10,84,64,74,57.5,0,210,6.6,50,9,3.4,84,40,1019 11,91,59,75,66.3,0,250,7.1,230,12,2.5,93,45,1012.6 12,88,73,81,68.7,0,250,8.1,270,21,7.9,94,51,1007 13,70,59,65,55,0,150,3,150,8,10,83,59,1012.6 14,61,59,60,55.9,0,60,6.7,80,9,10,93,87,1008.6 15,64,55,60,54.9,0,40,4.3,200,7,9.6,96,70,1006.1 16,79,59,69,56.7,0,250,7.6,240,21,7.8,87,44,1007 17,81,57,69,51.7,0,260,9.1,270,29,5.2,90,34,1012.5 18,82,52,67,52.6,0,230,4,190,12,5,93,34,1021.3 19,81,61,71,58.9,0,250,5.2,230,12,5.3,87,44,1028.5 20,84,57,71,58.9,0,150,6.3,160,13,3.6,90,43,1032.5 21,86,59,73,57.7,0,240,6.1,250,12,1,87,35,1030.7 22,90,64,77,61.1,0,250,6.4,230,9,0.2,78,38,1026.4 23,90,68,79,63.1,0,240,8.3,230,12,0.2,68,42,1021.3 24,90,77,84,67.5,0,350,8.5,10,14,6.9,74,48,1018.2 25,90,72,81,61.3,0,190,4.9,230,9,5.6,81,29,1019.6 26,97,64,81,70.4,0,50,5.1,200,12,4,107,45,1014.9 27,91,72,82,69.7,0,250,12.1,230,17,7.1,90,47,1009 28,84,68,76,65.6,0,280,7.6,340,16,7,100,51,1011 29,88,66,77,59.7,0,40,5.4,20,9,5.3,84,33,1020.6 30,90,45,68,63.6,0,240,6,220,17,4.8,200,41,1022.7    

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Must Known Techniques for text preprocessing in NLP

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon In any Machine learning task, cleaning or preprocessing the data is as important as model building. Text data is one of the most unstructured forms of available data and when comes to deal with Human language then it’s too complex. Have you ever wondered how Alexa, Siri, Google assistant can understand, process, and respond in Human language. NLP is a technology that works behind it where before any response […]

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3 Painful Mistakes Leaders Can Avoid When Buying AI Solutions

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A Scheil-Gulliver simulation tool using pycalphad

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A community made discord bot coded in Python and running on AWS

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Make visual music sheets for thatskygame

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A bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero with GPS and ANT+

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